Only Christ’s Leadership

In last night’s group, we specifically spoke about this – the corruption of our political leadership – that just happens to be today’s daily scripture for us to read.Coincidence? NO WAY.We are being directed, even more today, to rely onONLY CHRIST’S LEADERSHIP! ☆ And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one […]

Pornography Do you have a problem with pornography?Odds are very high that you do.I know I do. It is an addiction, like alcohol.Sadly though, even as 7% of men in the U.S suffer from alcohol addiction, 33% of men in the U.S. suffer from pornography addiction. ~ yet, even worse ~ 36% of MEN WITHIN THE CHURCH have porn addictions! Think […]
What is my purpose?

WHAT IS MY PURPOSE? Have you ever had that thought, ‘What is my purpose?’I know I have. It is usually a thought that will only come in times of things like distress, lack, or failure.No other times, because when things are good, when we have enough money, food, clothing, and our relationships are not too strained, it […]
I answer to no one!

I answer to no one! I hear that statement more often than you would think. ‘I answer to no one!’ That may sound great, and may be true for that person…today. But it is not a true statement for that person forever.Because they WILL answer to someone, someday, for everything, they ever- THOUGHT– SAID or- DIDon […]

FEARToday’s scripture pierces my heart. It brings up a topic about, what has been in my past, one of the biggest fears I have had to overcome.Fear. But what was, possible, my biggest fear?’What others think of me.’ The Fear of Man. Sadly, even as a Christian man, knowing the truth, and also knowing whose single opinion, is […]
Bible Study

Bible Study This wouldn’t seem like a Bible Study passage at first glance, but when looked closer, this specific scripture talks about a few things; 1. That our faith is a long journey2. That we need to prepare ourselves for that long journey3. That when we are aware & prepare for that long journey;We run in […]
Work Out On Joy

Work out on JoyThink about this verse; Our strength is HIS joy!Does that make sense to you? When you think of your strength, what is it you think of? Because most often, men equate strength within the physical format. Like when we are working out, pumping weights, increasing muscle mass and enhancing our ability to lift ever […]