What do YOU need to believe?

What do you need to believe?This scripture is probably one of the best examples of proof for us.Think about it for a moment… Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote their Gospels as a testimony of what they saw, did and experienced WITH Jesus. As a matter of fact, Luke opens his account with just that thought;He was […]
How do YOU forgive?

How do YOU forgive?How does God forgive?Do you forgive others, as you believe God forgives others, or Do you forgive others, as you believe God forgives YOU? Do you forgive like;1.The people who we have all seen, who have forgiven others in such a way, that no one would ever have guessed that they had ever had anything […]
Out Of This World

Do you feel like you live completely out of this world?Or do you feel like you live in the turmoil OF this world? Where is the residency of YOUR heart? The Word tells us that we are not even citizens of this world.We are like intergalactic child-like tourists, just passing through this worldusing it as a training […]
What are YOU serving for Thanksgiving?

As we cook all day to get ready for one of the biggest meals of the whole year, What will you be serving for Thanksgiving? What will be the most nourishing thing YOU share with everyone this Holiday? Jesus said; ☆ “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every WORD that comes from the mouth […]
Walking In The Storms

As we cook all day to get ready for one of the biggest meals of the whole year, What will be the most nourishing thing YOU share with everyone this Thanksgiving? Jesus said; ☆ “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every WORD that comes from the mouth of God.’” • Matthew 4:4 Jesus is telling us that the […]
How’s Your Driving?

How’s Your Driving?I have to be honest, mine has never been that good.I drove down the wrong path for too long on my life.As a young man, I drove too fast, too drunk and too recklessly.I crashed too many times, had many tickets, lost my license and even had DUI’s.But my bad driving was also […]
Are YOU Righteous?

Do you believe you are a righteous person?- Or do you believe you are a sinful person?Do you pray, hoping God will hear you?- Or do you have faith that your prayers are powerful & effective? Sadly, most Christians believe that they are sinful people, just becoming better and less sinful every day, praying for God […]
Your ‘Real’ Identity

What do you think, when I ask this question;Do you know your ‘real’ identity? Do you think of a gender identity?Do you think of a sexual identity?Do you think of a political identity? Most people will, because;That is what todays culture bases identity on today.But that is NOT what God meant.God told us that we were CREATED […]
Join A Mens Group Today

Men, you aren’t alone. You don’t have to deal with this by yourself.More than likely, you tried and failed to succeed at this by yourself.Join a group of men who are there to support, encourage, help and strengthen you in your walk in purity, sobriety, righteousness, and peace.Ahavah Ministries has groups, set up just for […]
Happy Veterans Day

We don’t know them all… But we do OWE them all!