Narcissist or Nice?

Narcissist or Nice? In the U.S., most of us grew up with this the Christmas statement about Santa Clause:He is checking to see who was ‘Naughty or Nice.’However, shouldn’t we really restructure that statement to fit the reality of what our country really is…a society of people who are really either‘NARCISSIST OR NICE’? Because that IS […]
Christ = Hate

CHRIST = HATE? Does Christ = Hate?Today, we hear a lot of very loud voices say yes!We have been told for about 2,000 years, that what we see, right now would happen.Just like it is in todays culture. They said that a hate for Jesus, and Christians, would someday arrive.We were told: ☆ For the time is coming when […]
Turbulent Change

Turbulent Change Did you come to Christ in a peaceful, joyful quiet way? If you did, that is awesome, and praise God for doing that for you.Or are you like Jonah and me?Jonah needed to be thrown overboard, swallowed up, and barfed out.I needed all kinds of police, ruined relationships, heartache and hurt.Either way, we both […]
Do Words Matter

Do Words Matter? I was raised in a culture that lived by the motto;‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.’ We now live in a culture where some believe the motto; ‘Silence is violence!’ Within 1 generation, we have turned a completely opposite direction culturally. One thing that has NOT changed; Self-Centered behavior. What is sad though, is […]
Fake Checkers

Fake Checkers 1 year ago in December, in a lawsuit brought on by John Stossel against Facebook for removing posts of his, one that they deemed ‘lacking context’…Facebook finally admitted that their fact checkers were really just ‘opinions’ people. Those people, hired by ideological outside companies were not really checking for any facts, they were doing […]
Seasons Magnifications

SEASONS MAGNIFICATIONS The season to magnify is upon us.Whatever you’re feeling, whatever you’re going through, whatever season of your life that you’re going through…it tends to be magnified. During the Christmas Season;Those who feel anxiety, feel much more anxiousThose without family, feel much more broken-heartedThose struggling with drugs or alcohol, fell much more aloneThose who have […]
Audience of 1

What if you had to do a show, but only had an Audience of 1?Would your content be any different depending on your audience member?Would your efforts be any different depending on your audience member?Would your desire be any different depending on your audience member? Well, that is kind of how it is for us all […]
What Sign Do YOU Need?

What sign do you need? There are too many Christians who need them today. A few days ago, we talked about proof.Proof is evidence of things that have already happened.This is different.A SIGN is a confirmation, providing credence of something yet to happen. The Pharisees and Sadducees were blasted by Jesus for asking Him to show them a sign (Matthew 16).Since he knew […]
Can’t or Won’t?

Can’t or Won’t?Which is it? Because it can only be 1 of those 2.Because it is obvious that the nature of refusing to keep listening to the Wisdom of God, is not a new behavior issue. So, let’s look at that; CAN’T How could it ever be that a person ‘can’t’ hear the Word, or instructions that lead to […]
We’re ALL slaves.

We’re ALL slaves.The question is only;To who or what? Bob Dillon had that song that said “You got to serve somebody.”This was a song he created during his ‘Gospel’ period, that was recieved with mixed reviews.Many thought is silly, John Lennon wrote and released a song called “You gotta serve yourself” as a counter. But, Bob had […]