The Truth Hurts

THE TRUTH HURTS Early, within the first few years of my being a Christian, I heard this statement that I thought was funny enough, that it made me laugh. It was;’The truth will set you free, but only after it pisses you off!’At that time, I thought it was funny, because […]
In the Darkest Times

In the darkest times Are we living today in the darkest times?Let’s be clear; with the time of black plague, the time of the inquisition, The Spanish Flu, World War 1, World War 2, Hitler, and all of the individual times within all of the individual countries that have been horrendous (volcanoes, […]

Repent! That word is all over The Word.- Repentance is in the Bible 21 times. – Repent is in the Bible 39 times. – Repented is in the Bible 9 times. – Repents is in the Bible 5 times. It was the first sermon that Jesus gave.It was the first sermon John the Baptist […]
Looking Forward

Looking Forward Are you looking forward to 2023?2022 is behind us. Thank God. I don’t think that year has too much good to look back on.ANDLooking back at it will ONLY help us if we are doing so to remember the lessons we learned from the mistakes we made.Also, ifwe are looking back to the good things of our […]
New Year, New Man

New Year, New Man Some will say; 2022 was was a Witch.Some will say; 2023 will be her bigger, badder, uglier step-sister.But I suggest WE say; New Year, New Man. Why is it that we, as humans, need to have ‘fresh starts‘? – Could it be, that because even with a faithful life in Christ, we find ourselves […]
Drop the Rock

Drop the Rock There was a funny movie years ago called; ‘Liar Liar’, where Jim Carey played a lawyer who, in one scene, was beating himself up to get out of a court appearance. When someone saw him and asked what he was doing, he said; “I’m kicking my ass!”.Now, funny as that line is, […]
Religion or Relationship

Religion or a Relationship? If you have been a Christian more than 10 minutes, you probably know the following scripture.It is the passage quite often used by the preacher/pastor/minister to show just how easy it is to become a Christian and to accept Christ.But think about it…when this is done, what is being accepted; a […]
Fake News

Fake News To clarify;Contrary to popular belief, it was not Trump or anyone else before 1995 that coined the term ‘Fake News’.It was Norm Macdonald, in 1994, on Saturday Night Live, when he was the weekend News guy.Norm was making fun of something the Lord has never made light of;’FAKE News‘.But really, from the beginning, […]
Useless To God

Useless to God Have you ever felt useless?Have you ever felt useless at work?Have you ever felt useless to your spouse?Have you ever felt useless to your family?Have you ever felt useless to God? The truth is;That ‘feeling’ is not true.You have always had the ability to be of service to and with GOD. Anyone who has […]
I Know

Do you know anyone who answers almost every statement with; “I Know.”? I have been acquainted with many of them over my lifetime.Most of the times, they did NOT know. In the church, there are so many people who claim to know.Those people may not be claiming to know everything…but that they know A LOT.There are also those […]