
Paths What path are you on right now?Is it the right one?Most people think they are on the right path, because most people believe that what they are doing, and where they are going, is ‘right’. But as we saw in the Old Testament, especially in the book of […]
Tangled Up In Transgressions

Tangled Up in Transgressions We all know Sin can be Seductive.Immorality can be Imperceptible Guilt can be Gradual as we can becomeTangled up in Transgressions. Sin; – It can can start out as something that looks, sounds and feels good. – It can be something that feeds the real deep needs and greeds of our lust. – It can be bright, shiny, […]
Drowning In Disinformation

Drowning In Disinformation As we have been hearing every 3 minutes on T.V., Pod Casts, Radios or on almost everyone lips, our culture is Drowning in Disinformation.About;• Covid• Vaccines• Donald Trump• Hunter Biden• Joe Biden• Russia• Ukraine So much noise about that disinformation. It is reported to us by all the talking heads as if it […]
Gain Pain

Gain Pain We all have heard that phrase “No Pain, No Gain” but rarely is the conversation broken down to what one is willing to bear to achieve what they want to get. What IS their GAIN PAIN? The reason I mention that is because that it is so easy […]

POSERS When I was younger, I surfed a lot.There were 3 groups of surfers.1. Locals: Who lived close, went to school together & knew each other well2. Outsiders: Who lived far away and came to compete in surfing skills3. Posers: Who were the least liked. […]
Forgiveness for Forgiveness

Gain Pain We have all heard the saying “No Pain, No Gain.” But what gain do you want, and what pain are you willing to endure to get it?The reason I ask this, is because it is so easy for Christians to fall into the worldly […]

‘ism’ There are SO many ism’s. Which ‘ism’ do you practice? We know of:• Liberalism• Conservatism• Communism • Socialism• Totalitarianism • Fascism &• Capitalism.And there is also:• Optimism• Stoicism• Hedonism• Idealism• Narcissism But today’s world seems to center around the isms of:• Atheism• Agnosticism • Egalitarianism • Materialism &• Trans-Human-ism In 1928, F.E. […]
God? No Thanks!

God? No thanks! God? No Thanks!Is what too many people say today as the world and especially the western culture becomes more and more secular, those who are anti-God. They are listening to atheists like – Richard Dawkins, – Sam Harris, – Michael Shermer- Chris StedmanEtc.Who are now ramping up their vitriol even […]
Big Bad Wolf

Big Bad Wolf? Do you know the phrase ‘We are the sheep, and He is our shepherd’?Do you know the phrase ‘Who is afraid of the Big Bad Wolf’?Well, both of those phrases are very pertinent to our topic today. It is rare to find Christians who want to go […]
What’s YOUR Truth?

What’s YOUR Truth? We here at Ahavah Ministries have been speaking about the truth a bunch lately, and why you may ask?It is because the world has created a completely new level of something that they call the ‘truth’ now.You may have heard this a lot lately; “That’s not MY truth.” […]