I couldn’t help it

Today’s scripture reminds us that God has given us control of our own body, and the ‘I couldn’t help it’ excuses not a worthy explanation.I couldn’t help it is not a legitmate reason to give for a man who says he is in The Lord.God has told us this many times. ☆ For God gave […]

Sadly, too many people, even Christians, expect the source of their joy, to be other people or their circumstances. THAT SHOULD NEVER BE SO. So when things don’t go well with family, relationships, jobs, money, or the hopes we put in the situations we want to come our way…we can not find the joy that we need […]

Sadly, too many people, even Christians, expect the source of their joy, to be other people or their circumstances. THAT SHOULD NEVER BE SO. So when things don’t go well with family, relationships, jobs, money, or the hopes we put in the situations we want to come our way…we can not find the joy that we need […]
Censoring God

The power of ‘The World’ believes they can replace God’s power and become THE power IN the world, but the only way they can successfully do that; is by CENSORING GOD. Well, as we can see by today’s scripture, this ‘conspiracy’ against God is nothing new. It has been going on since the beginning of […]
MORE than just Racism

The Bible goes deeper to explain how the Man of Christ is against MORE THAN JUST RACISM. It speaks against having wealth division, education seperation, class segregation and positional snobbery.That sentiment is written many places in the Bible, but I love it is mentioned here, as it not just framed in how we should think, […]
Armour ALL

We struggle against evil. The evil of terrorism, corrupt governments and countless other domestic, local and international issues. How do we fight that? By wearing the Armour of God. (Ephesians 6:10-18) We also face struggles against evil in our own lives – temptation, sin and addiction, but how nice it is that God wants us […]
Happy For Hardship

The Bible clearly states that we are to be ‘Happy for Hardship’. That would seem to say that the Bible is actually asking us to be the opposite of who we are.It looks like the Bible is telling us we need to do something that is not humanly possible. YES! It is! It is telling us […]
Always Right

Have you met, do you know, or are you that person who is ALWAYS RIGHT? That person who would rather be right, then happy…Who would rather prove themselves correct, then to be corrected? That person who would rather build themselves up in pride, rather than lower themselves in humility? Because that person lives backwards. […]
Calm in the Storm

We know that God will not calm the storms in our lives, but he will CALM US IN the storms. The scriptures have told us that: I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” […]
On Wings Of Eagles