Proverb 7

Proverb 7 is blunt:Follow HIS commands to live (eternally).Then;Guard them, bind them and write them on your heart to KNOW HIM

Proverb 6

Proverb 6 reminds us that the trouble caused by the lies of those who do NOT live in the truth, make them worthless people, and they will be destroyed.Isn’t it wonderful to have the option to let the TRUTH to set you free?

Proverb 5

In the surveillance world we now live in, some people are changing the way they behave because of who may be watching.  • Proverb 5 reminds us we should have already, and still always be mindful of how we behave, as GOD IS ALWAYS WATCHING. So…If you knew GOD was sitting right next to you, […]

Proverb 4

You can’t protect a heart that controls you. Be careful, the heart is deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9)

Proverb 3

Not in ‘some’, ‘a lot’ or even ‘most’ ways…but in ALL our ways we acknowledge Him, to have our paths made straight.We don’t want to be crooked anywhere.

Proverb 2

It’s nice to know the Map…It’s nicer to know the Map Maker!

Just Say No

JUST SAY NO Remember, in 1984, when Nancy Reagan had that funky national project for people to stop using drugs? Her campaign was named: ‘JUST SAY NO‘.Two guys, Robert Cox and David Cantor, of the advertising firm Harper & Steers/USA came up with that slogan. Did it work?Of course not.As a matter of fact, it got worse. It […]


Superpower Do you remember when the superhero Green Lantern says: ‘In the brightest day, in the blackest night, no evil shall escape my site. Let those who worship evils might beware my power…green lanterns light!” and then there is an explosion of superpower?  Can you recall when the Human Torch of the Fantastic 4 yells  “Flame […]


Marvel In our men’s group last night, the small talk before it started was on the movies.Talking about the hero’s, behaviors, actions, and even the violence that our favorite movie stars use to save the world.We Marvel over them. As a matter of fact, some of the biggest budget movies, some of our favorite heros and […]