Proverb 4

How well do you read your emotional dashboard? Proverbs 4 talks about how we need to be alert and not ignore the warning lights that flash. Because as we all know, any breakdowns, especially emotional breakdowns, stop whatever route we are driving, or journey we are taking.

Proverb 3

Anyone who says they ‘Understand’ God, is either lying, or has a different & much smaller god that they can place within their limited ability to grasp. Instead of trying to have a God of OUR understanding…let’s try to just have a God that we KNOW. Because Proverbs 3 speaks about a huge GOD who […]

Proverbs 2

Do you seek any wisdom to stay away from wicked people who speak perversely?Do you think of others to help them not get lost on the paths of the ‘dark ways’? Proverbs 2 speaks about that.

The Wisdom of Proverbs is Power

Some say knowledge is power. That’s false! Knowledge is simply memory. WISDOM is power, because that’s HOW to use knowledge.  –  Proverbs provide wisdom!

Sin of Self

        The Sin of Self One of the worst prisons that a person can live in, is one they create for themselves.When a person’s ego, fear, envy, and self conscious , is then combined with the deadly problems of;          ∗ Lust of the flesh, ∗ Lust of the eyes, and the ∗Pride […]

Jackpot Jesus

         Jackpot Jesus Too many Christians today live with a ‘Jackpot Jesus‘.They have a relationship with Jesus like a tourist does with a Vegas casino.You can watch them praying to Jesus like He is a spiritual slot machine.Oh please, oh please, oh please; Amen. Oh, darn. I lost again! This is very common, and […]

The Big Pill

The Big Pill   –  There is a movie by Lawrence Kasdan called ‘The Big Chill.  –  There is a movie by Steven Soderbergh called ‘The Bitter Pill’  –  There is a blog today by Rob Wolcott, called a The Big Pill. It is about a big, bitter, and too often, unwanted pill thattoo many Christians can not […]

Deadly Weapon

          Deadly Weapon So many Christians can be so 2 faced.I know, as a young believer, I was guilty of it.How I spoke in public to friends, or acquaintances was NOTThe same way I was speaking to any of the people in my home.My mouth was a deadly weapon. Search yourself, be honest…sincerely […]

ME ME ME ME – Comfort over Character Part 3

              ME ME ME ME!                        Comfort over Character – Part 3 If a person is more concerned about their comfort than their character, thenIt is likely that person had never been taught the ability to account.If that person has […]

Ability to Account – Comfort over Character Part 2

            Ability to Account Comfort over Character Part 2 Accountability.Remember it?What a huge weight our nation is feeling today from the loss of that character trait.But what we DO see today is;Adults blaming everything and everyone else for their mistakes or wrongs.So, that is what we see our kids learning to do from […]