Proverb 24

There is a great saying that says: You can’t learn anything when you are the one who talking. Proverbs 24:7 seems to confirm that. It seems to tell us is that the way to become wise, is to shut up! Today we have a Christian culture that is great at praying, beseeching, and yearning for GOD. But they […]

Proverb 23

Proverb23:4-5 is as honest of a proverb as it is depressing! This is about the strong faith in finances that so many Christians have. Why is it most Christians have more faith in a piece of paper that promises cash if taken into a building called a bank; Than we have faith in the pages of the Word of God that […]

Proverb 22

Proverb22:24.25 speaks of a very specific kind of person: Ill Tempered. Do you know someone who is that kind like that? Do you associate with them? Well, as this proverbs warns us, you may become a product of your associations. So, because of your associations, it is possible that you may already BE that person. But if you are, […]

Proverb 21

Proverb 21;23 may be just the hardest thing for a Christian to do. When you were young, did your parent (Probably, like me, your mother, as this is a total Mom’s saying.) ever tell you: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all!”  Did you ever hear that? Well Christian, […]

Proverb 20

Proverb 20 reminds us of God’s Wrath. When we think of Gods wrath, that image of the roaring lion is often used. But when we think of the people who ‘deserve’ Gods righteous anger, images of: Pedophiles Rapists Murderers We think of those people who have physically hurt others, especially children, for their own  wants, needs and […]

Proverb 19

Proverb 19 reminds me, it is not what I DO that will cause me trouble, it is first what I STOP DOING that will create the trouble. Discipline (Its root word being Disciple), especially Spiritual Discipline, should not be so hard. However, it can be the last thing we find time to work on. I can not tell you how many […]

Proverb 18

Proverb 17 remind me of that great saying: ‘A really GOOD friend, is someone who knows you very well…and STLL likes you!’ Do you have that kind of friend? How about more than 1? I love being a part of a band of brothers. None of us are perfect, as a matter of fact, most of us have severe flaws. Yet, I […]

Proverb 17

Proverb 17 remind me of that great saying: ‘A really GOOD friend, is someone who knows you very well…and STLL likes you!’ Do you have that kind of friend? How about more than 1? I love being a part of a band of brothers. None of us are perfect, as a matter of fact, most of us have severe flaws. Yet, I […]

Proverb 16

Yesterday reminded us how our friends in Christ are more like brothers. Today Proverb 17 reminds us that our friendship in Christ is even closer than a brother. Think about that: Closer than a brother…MORE than family! The example we have from Christ of the kind of friend HE is, should be our imitation for the kind of friend WE want to […]

Proverb 15

Proverb 15 reminds us that HE is always close to the one who prays to be close to HIM. Which means that it is the humble of heart and the meek in Spirit that we are talking about here. It is so easy to forget: It is in our weakness where HE can show HIS […]