Comic Book God

Comic Book Hero Why is it that people can often think of God like this comic book hero from back in the 1940’s? In our minds, we can have an image of a ‘terminator’ or ‘Rambo’ type of character.One who is pissed off at the bad guys who sin against him?Maybe that is because we know […]

What ‘Righteous’ are you?

Remember; ALL decisions are judgement calls. But are they judgements of a ‘SELF’ righteous, or are they judgements created in the heart of a person seeking the righteousness of GOD?   ☆ Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.    • John 7:24   ☆ Do you not know that we are to judge angels? […]

You Are What You Eat

You are what you eat. Have you ever heard that statement before;You Are What You Eat?Well, that is completely true.Because whatever it is that you put into your body;Rest assured that your body will react to it, good or bad. Obviously, we are organic vessels whose bodies react to the sun and moon, water and food.The […]

The Storms

The Storms If you are a Christian today, were you like me in the very beginning?Did you somehow, like I did, have the impression that since God was now in my life, that my problems were over?That the storms had passed? Right.I know. Kind of a silly mindset as I look back.But it is NOT a silly ‘hope’ […]


Ever This is the story of when I heard the word ‘EVER’ from God.Ahavah Ministries has a group on Tuesday night, and we have been all doing an exercise to help us ‘hear God more’.It is based on Habakkuk 2:1-3, where we pray, write down a question to GodAnd then;           1. Be still (quiet)      […]

GIGO – Garbage In Garbage out – Part 2

GIGO Garbage In – Garbage Out – Part 2 So yesterday we talked about GIGO (Garbage in, Garbage Out) and how easy it is to pass it on, or catch it, like a disease.We spoke about just a few specific ways that people can catch that DIS-EASE(Movies, television, music and social media). To continue that conversation, I […]