Proverb 17

There are so many people in today’s culture that would change for the better if they really knew what this meant here in Proverbs 17.The hypocritical irony of a person demanding tolerance, acceptance and celebration for their living style,While at the same time demanding another person’s living style be completely silenced…is the work of the […]
Proverb 16

– Have you ever had to eat crow? – Have you ever eaten humble pie?Believe it or not, those are some of the most medicinal foods for one to digest. Proverb 16 reminds us that HUMILITY will save us from destroying ourselves.So even though I ‘feel’ the need to make a point.I […]
Proverb 15

How dangerous is your tongue?How much thought do you put into the words you speak?Everyone could see my father was a man who chose his words carefully.I did not.My tongue was a weapon.I cut or just shot from the lip.Blurted whatever was on my mind.Foolishly. Harmfully. Immaturely.Then I read Proverb 15.Remember, we call it ‘The […]
Proverb 14

Think about a time where this verse in Proverb 14 could have been you;Times where • Actions • Attitudes • Behaviors • DecisionsThat you later found to be the completely wrong direction.– At the time, they seemed right to you, but looking back now, you see how full of sin it all was.It starts off […]
Proverb 13

Think about what Proverbs 13 is really saying here; – It doesn’t matter the age. – It doesn’t matter the race. – It doesn’t matter the wealth. – It doesn’t matter the experience.What determines how a teacher is a wise fountain of life, is by WHAT they are teaching.But the best part…think this through…is that it can turn a […]
Proverb 12

Proverbs 12 proves that our parents were right.That corny statement;– “You’re too smart for your own good.” –that they said to us less than 50 years ago when we were kids, was actually a biblical truth written in proverbs 3000 years ago!Remember, the more one basks in his own intelligence, the less he will rely on […]
Proverb 11

Our first tendency is to go to money, as we think of the giving in what Proverbs 11:24-25 must mean.But I challenge that thought.Do you withhold encouragement from anyone?How about a word of truth?So when it comes to strangers, or those who are, shall we say, the outcasts…or ANYONE…do you give freely YOUR kindness?
Proverb 10

This meme illustrates how our logic, powerful, Word of Truth is not understood, by those who want to argue about it.But not to worry:Proverb 10 tells us what we have been actually seeing lately;The super loud, sinful and perverted speech we hear is being silenced in some pockets of the country already.It will all be […]
Proverb 9

Important reminder;The Word ‘fear’ here in Proverb 9, means ‘a reverent awe’.We are not ever to be afraid of GOD.But like fire or water, we are to have an immense respect for the power.THAT is a healthy kind of fear to have.
Proverb 8

I am reminded in Proverb 8 to check myself; • If I was given a dollar for every time I applied knowledge, prudence or discretion – But – • I lost a dollar for every pride, arrogant or evil thought or behavior;– Would I ‘have’ money, or would I ‘owe’ money?Do you check yourself?