Proverbs 27

It has always been the goal of Ahavah Ministries, to be an obvious and healthy example of this verse in Proverbs 27. My wife was watching the women’s World Gymnastics competition yesterday, and as I walked by, the commentator remarked;”the way that these girls train with each other, is the perfect example of iron sharpening iron.”I […]
Proverbs 26

From the Toddler to the Teacher;From the Preacher to the Presidency;Proverbs 26 reminds us that the human condition is sinful. Can you SEE that sin in a person, just by looking at the them?Sadly, no.They can ‘look’ so, little and cute, They can sound reliable or professional.The may even seem learned and holy.And we see today, they can […]
Proverbs 25

Proverbs 25 is what God wants to do in us,But…It is also what we have a hard time ‘letting’ God do FOR us. – Dross (definition):Something regarded as worthless; rubbish.It takes the heat of the fire to get that dross to bubble to the surface.It is at that point that the silversmith scrapes the dross off […]
Proverbs 24

If a person looks at their phone more than they look at their Bible, why would they be surprised at how unsettled they get? Proverb 24 reminds us how the world wants us to drown in that hopelessness.Now, a person may say they look at their Bible ON their phone, and though that is good, […]
Proverbs 23

Though we are NOT all God’s children, we ARE all God’s creation.Proverbs 22 tells us that is exactly what GOD thinks!Oh how I wish we would all see everyone like that.I know I still have ways to go.How about you?
Proverb 22

The accumulation of money is only one aspect people can wear themselves out using their own cleverness as Proverbs 23 states here.Power, property, prestige and control are other desires that people will focus their lives on, or that Christians can put before God too.There are so many Christians who are still 1 foot in the […]
Proverb 21

I know some very successful power lifters.Their humility shines brighter than their achievements.So when you realize how strong they must be to have earned their accomplishments, you realize they carry their strength in total control.Which is just like what Proverb 21 is talking about here.The true wisdom of the Lord provides– the most strength,– in […]
Proverb 20

Proverb 20 here is about a very important gift, one that we should all work on having. – Are you one of those guys that can instinctively tell what is going on with someone? – Are you one of those guys who can intuitively see the truth or lie in someone?Where does that skill come from?The […]
Proverb 19

IT’S NOT MY FAULT!The anthem of todays worldly culture is what Proverbs 19 is talking about here. You know what I am speaking about here; – Those who think God is a vending machine, that they can drop a prayer in and then expect to have that request come out. – If their desired result does […]
Proverb 18

Proverbs 18 reminds us that ‘REAL’ intelligence is open minded for the truth.Those considered intelligent of the world today love the trends of the world.They work to sound so smart in areas like; • Climate • Infectious Diseases • Child Development • Cultural Diversity • Global HarmonyBut where do we see the most confusion, turbulence […]