In a Bubble

Did you ever get spanked as a kid?If you didn’t, you’ve been or are probably getting spanked by the world today.Did your parents exercise a discipline (that you probably hated) as a kid?Or, did they, in their desire to not feel bad, put you in a bubble? That today’s culture has infected the Christian community, there is […]

9/11 The day that started the beginning of the end
Back To School

Back to school. That used to be a time when;(I remember it myself because it was less than 50 years go.)All our parents were happy to send us kids off to learn the 3 R’s. Remember when prayers and the pledge of allegiance was allowed in school? At that time, we also used to fondly call […]
Conspiracy Realist

Conspiracy Realist There are 2 definitions (Webster) of the word ‘Conspiracy’. 1. To join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act2. To act in harmony toward a common end The first definition is the one most used, especially when the word ‘Theory’ or ‘Theorist’ follows it. However, with me, I am a perfect example of that […]
It is THAT season

It is THAT season. Labor day is over, and that usually means; it is THAT season. I heard my wife scoff the other day when she saw an ad for some kind of pumpkin spice flavored something, and she yelled out, it is THAT season already? The humor of having pumpkin spice flavored communion wafers is not […]
Plan Ahead

Plan Ahead As this meme shows, sometimes people don’t Plan AheadIt is a photo, that as a microcosm, just shows proof that; – We live in a microwave society. – We demand immediate attention. – We expect to receive instantaneous answers. – We pay more for entertainment and we want it now. […]
Proverbs 31

Too many Christians Churches have everything they want in it;Except ChristProverbs 31:8-9 reminds us that we…you and I…are the church. So, as the church we are to let everyone in.We are to love everyone, especially the unlovable.I know I am a work in progress on this, how are you doing on that?
Proverbs 30

God’s Word is Protection for us.Ok. But from what?When you see this picture where it says:‘In case of emergency, break glass’What comes to YOUR mind? • Global Warfare? • Political Tyranny? • Economic Hardship? • Cultural Indoctrination?I bet one or more of those is probably what came to your mind.However, I believe this verse in […]
Proverbs 29

There are far too many Christians that would prefer to live worldly. – That is because it makes things easier with the people around them. Instead of living in The Word, and make themself happy in The Lord.Why? • Acceptance • Image • Reputation […]
Proverbs 28

This is NOT saying the one whose walk is ‘perfect’, this verse in Proverbs 28 is saying whose walk is blameless. We will never be able to walk perfectly.However, if we confess, repent and are accountable to our sin, we WILL be blameless.Then God will give us the tools to remain safe on our walk.However, […]