Armor 2

With the world as it is, our nation getting worse, and the enemy not even hiding anymore…the spiritual war has changed, and we must battle it correctly. Together.As a band of brothers.Prayed up.&Armored up.Join me, you mighty warriors!
Armor 1

We are in a war, butWe may NOT know we’re all warriorsWe have been made for a time like thisBut DO YOU KNOW IT?Do you see it in yourself?You have a suit of armor made especially for you!Do you know how to put it on?Let’s do it together, with love at Ahavah Ministries
Social ME-dia

Social ME-dia Because of Ahavah Ministries, I have found a way to post messages to all the Social media platforms through an outside program.That way, it makes it where I never have to log on to any of the sites.I am SO happy for that.Because it has been around 9 months since I have stopped my […]
Loud and Proud

LOUD AND PROUD About 18 month’s ago, I asked the question: What does Loud and Proud mean to you?Unlike then when I first asked it though, this time I have more background to it’s origins. I’m loud and I’m proud was a statement made famous by James Brown in a 1968 song called ‘Say It Loud’, […]
IN not FOR

IN, not FOR We are in a time where the ‘Authentic Christian‘ will now be fully revealed.Sure, you will see and hear millions of Christians across the country praying and saying things about the seriously troubled times we are in.But those are not the Christians I am writing about.It will be those Christians who gives […]
The ‘i’ of the Lie

The ‘i’ of the Lie I was raised with my folks telling me things like;“If it is to be, it is up to me.”I heard little quips like that all the time.My mom & dad didn’t know better, they just taught me as they were taught.And how was that? Like it has been since the […]
No Baggage Allowed

No Baggage Allowed Do you know anyone who came to Christ, accepted Him as their savior, because things were going great?Do you know anyone who came to Christ while they were on an upward spiral? Probably not.The majority of people who surrender to Christ, do so as a response to hardship, sadness, trouble or a loss […]
No Excuse

No Excuse The Israelites had no excuse. They should have all known Jesus was coming.They had been given the exact day He would show up in a prophecy by Daniel. So the leaders, The Sadducees and the Pharisees, who knew all those prophecies, and could recite all the scriptures, had no excuse.Even though they have given […]

Until ‘The love of power’Is less important than‘The power of Love’Things will be as they have always been. But that time is coming soon!

Brainwashing The definition of the word ‘brainwashing’ in the dictionary is: brainwashing/ˈbrānˌwôSHiNG/noun the process of pressuring someone into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means.“victims of brainwashing” But this is not an absolute.This is not always true. We all know this verse; ☆ Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind • Romans 12:2 This is a […]