Armor 12

THIS IS IMPORTANT;– Hebrews 10:26 tells us:• If we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins.– What does that mean for us?It means that this war we are in can be battle after battle, hardship after hardship. • Or not…It […]
Armor 11

I heard a message today about people who – Dispute, – Distort, and – Deny The Word.How even some Christians in today’s church do that.In HIS WORD to us, God tells us that HIS power and authority IN US will be able to keep us safe from all harm. […]
Armor 10

It is only impossible to be a warrior and not a servant…but only if it is for GOD.Let’s clarify;There are many people, calling themselves Christians, who will not recognize or refuse to engage in any war.They will not fight.They believe their pacifism is an example of love. – OR –A person can fight for themselves, […]
Armor 9

How many times have you heard;“God will NOT change the storms, butGod will change YOU, – IN – the storms.”God promises that in Isaiah 43:2.It is the trials and tribulations that we go through that transform and strengthen us.The healthy person doesn’t learn that much from the good times, they celebrate.The healthy person learns from […]
Armor 8

Bob Dylan wrote that song‘You got to serve somebody‘.That statement is true.This verse about being free, Romans 6:22, follows the verse about how our old life had a slave driver leading us to destruction and death.But now – Those who have accepted Christ as their Lord, not only have a kind and loving master who does […]
Armor 7

It is time.Are you ready?How do you know you are ready?What standards do you use to prove you have the strength to fight the battle?Because…We are to be strong.IN THE LORD.NOT in self.We are not to be strong in any of our knowledge, wisdom or abilities.But if we do the exact opposite of what todays […]
Armor 6

Armor 6 reminds us that as we see globally today, it is only the large groups and huge mobs of people that are ‘stirring up‘ things.They’re creating the most frenzy, attention and change.We have to know that it is almost impossible to get ‘stirred up’ by ourselves.We can not build up a movement alone.That is […]
Armor 5

Armor 5 tells me that when I honestly die to self, I can sincerely live for HIM.That makes my desire to walk with God a‘SUICIDE MISSION‘.And since I am dead to self, the only defense I will have I can only receive from HIM.And the only weapon I will ever need, is one HE freely […]
Armor 4

PRAISE GOD!Yes, the battle IS the Lords.But that is not an excuse for us to NOT suit up.That is not a reason for us to NOT wear our armor.We still have the responsibility to be prepared.We still have biblical instructions to put on our defensive gear and expertly wield the offensive weapon ofThe Word.But WHEN […]
Armor 3

The Lord asks us to put on the armor of God for DEFENSIVE purposes.(the sword of the spirit – The Word – being the only offensive weapon)We really do not need to worry about battle, but we DO need to be prepared for it, and ready to protect ourselves.Because we know;CHRIST ALREADY WON THE WAR!