Armor 22

Yesterday, we spoke about the character of the enemy we face in this battle.The LIAR.The • Dishonesty, • Deception & • Deviousnessthat Satan uses for his weaponry are designed to create • Doubt • Fear • Anxiety & • Anger.The ordinance he uses to attack can harm us more than bats, bullets, and bombs.Because the […]
Armor 21

So, • We’ve talked about the kind of armor God has prepared for us wear • We’ve talked about the way God wants us to use that armor for defense • We’ve talked about the weapons God has given us to use for offense – But…We haven’t talked about the weapons that the enemy of […]
Armor 20

Remember that old gospel song;‘Onward Christian Soldier‘?I loved that song as a little kid, way before I even had a clue to what it meant.It makes me think of Israel.As a citizen of Israel, it is mandatory for everyone…male of female…to serve 2 years in the military.Those people all ‘KNOW‘ what they will, at some […]
Armor 19

There is 1 more piece of Armor of God that I would like to talk about.I know we’re not to add anything to The Word, and I’m not.But what I AM doing is suggesting that with the personal suit of armor that God has given us that consists of;• Truth• Righteousness• Peace• Salvation• Faith &• […]
Armor 18

The only part of the armor of God that is NOT defensive, is The WORD.Because, as Hebrews 4:12 states; – ‘For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword’.His Word is spoken, written and repeated toPEIRCE THE HEART.The sad part of this though, is we see Christians who do not […]
Armor 17

God is so amazing!Since we are transformed by the renewing of our minds, it is awesome how God provides us a helmet of salvation to protect it.As it says in Acts 4:12; • “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must […]
Armor 16

We never need to wonder, for we are assured that the enemy will attack.Not a matter of ‘if’ it will, but ‘when’ it will happen.What is cool, is that it is OUR BELIEF in God that is our protection. – Please; –If you don’t speak it aloud every day (which is biblical and powerful)At least […]
Armor 15

Think about that; We are to put on ‘READINESS’The Lord has Paul tell us that the part of our body that is our foundation to stand, and that we use to move from place to place, is also what we need to have fitted and prepared to pace ourselves toward peace.The irony of that.Readiness for […]
Armor 14

I get amazed, that I’m still amazed when I see how God had His Word so perfectly written.– After the belt of truth, which holds all the armor together, God has Paul write about the defense of the most vulnerable part of our being…our hearts.The heart of a man can be desperately wicked. (Jeremiah 17:10)That […]
Armor 13

The part of a person’s body, from the groin to the abs, is what is termed ‘The Core‘.The knights, or warriors belt, took up that whole area.It was what secured the chest gear, together with the equipment that protected the legs.It was the center of the armor.That is what The Truth should be in our […]