
FEAR​Today’s scripture pierces my heart. It brings up a topic about, what has been in my past, one of the biggest fears I have had to overcome.Fear. But what was, possible, my  biggest fear?’What others think of me.’ The Fear of Man. Sadly, even as a Christian man, knowing the truth, and also knowing whose single opinion, is […]

Bible Study

Bible Study This wouldn’t seem like a Bible Study passage at first glance, but when looked closer, this specific scripture talks about a few things; 1. That our faith is a long journey2. That we need to prepare ourselves for that long journey3. That when we are aware & prepare for that long journey;We run in […]

Work Out On Joy

Work out on JoyThink about this verse; Our strength is HIS joy!Does that make sense to you?  When you think of your strength, what is it you think of? Because most often, men equate strength within the physical format. Like when we are working out, pumping weights, increasing muscle mass and enhancing our ability to lift ever […]

Fail To Plan And You Plan To Fail

Fail to plan, and you plan to fail.That quote is attributed to Benjamin Franklin and is a very true statement. But as our scripture proves today, it is a statement that God actually practiced, and wrote about 2500 years before Ben even thought about it! So, we can watch the country disintegrate right before our eyes, […]


Lonely. Are you? Things that happen TO us can be the cause, but;Things that happen BY us is usually the cause of our loneliness. Let’s be honest, losing a family member, friend or even pet will cause pain, grief, and loneliness, ~ But ~ You probably will agree that it’s bad decisions we make that usually cause […]

You Willing To Be A Slave?

Are you willing to be a slave? Me personally, I actually WANT to be a slave! To Christ. Today’s scripture tells us;We are ALREADY slaves.It is just either;a slave to the world, ora slave to Jesus. It also says that we don’t need to become a different person once we accept Christ.But we can become a better version of […]

Are YOU some body?

Are you SOME BODY?Sadly too many people feel like an Any Body, or worse, a No Body, rather than turn it around to be A Raised Body. Therefore we need to start living NOT in our own body. Because that is what this scripture tells us.We, our bodies, cannot be a raised body, unless it is owned […]

Days of Being Judgemental

“Don’t judge me!” We hear by those who are the most judgemental, OR, by those who don’t want to be responsible for their behavior. To those who say ‘Jesus told his followers NOT to judge’:well…you are 1/2 right. As our scripture in today’s reading states, we are NOT to judge those who do not yet know the […]


Nuff said, yet…why do we still hold on to it? Now I would bet my house that no one believes we are to only forgive someone 490 times;But this scripture does give some people the impression that there may be a limit to how much they ‘have’ to forgive. ☆ Lord, how often will my brother sin against […]

The Creator Of Matter

The Creator Of Matter. Science or semantics? MATTER – Definition; noun Physical substance in general, that which occupies space and possesses mass. MATTER – Definition; Verb To be of importance; That which has significance. Today’s culture seems to ignore the noun, but focus on only seeing value on the Verb definition of that word. It […]