Hollow Eve

Give no opportunity to the devil. – Ephesians 4:27

How do YOU see things?

 How do YOU see the world? From a core Biblical perspective?If not, it will depends on where you get your news or information from.But can you trust that news or information?Because you can most definitely trust the Bible. ‘If it bleeds it leads.’That’s been the mantra of news media for 50 years.’Fear sells.’That is how they […]


☆ Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. • Romans 13:1-2


Purity…a matter of the heart.Way before any action is even taken, the thought must be born, and the heart must agree to it.    ☆ Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.   • Matthew 5:8 The enemy always goes for the mind.But if God has given us a new heart, which we must […]

Your faith Lukewarm?

Is your faith lukewarm? A Story;There was a church that was on fire when it started.It was full of passion and hot to do the work of the Lord.It got big, became successful, started getting publicity and national recognition.It had works that were being touted as ‘game changers’, ‘life impacting’ & other churches should model it.It […]

We are the RADICALS!

If we really are in Christ, as we say we are, then we ARE the radicals of today. We have chosen to walk in HIS Word, and not in the World, and to do that will be hard, because it will be different than almost everyone in the world, even way too many in the […]

Be Still

In our last group, we spoke about ‘Communication’, and of the fact of how we can BE STILL to start each day, thus being able to have better communication throughout that day.Sadly, too many Christians wake up thinking of the trials, tribulations, battles and efforts that they will have to endure from that day.But God […]

Last Night

As Brett, one of our group members, said last night…We all get together to praise the name that is above all other names!The agape love the men within have for each other, and for our group, was so visible, awesome & strong last night.So much healing and growth.So many men were there.So many were not.You […]


Our culture has become so obsessed with living by their ‘feelings’.Decisions are made and actions are taken, based on how one feels at that particular time, which is not just silly…it is dangerous!  • The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? • Jeremiah 17:9 Without God as the first […]

Know of God, and knowing God…NOT the same thing!

There are SO MANY who are great at teaching you what they know about God.Sadly, few of those are really able to tell you about just simply KNOWING God.Knowing about God, and knowing God…not the same thing.Not even close. Today’s scripture tells us this is nothing new.What we see today has been an issue from the […]