Reflection Inspection

Reflection Inspection Reflection inspection.Kind of like that statement on our cars side mirrors:“Objects may be closer than they appear”Is how we often see God.Far away, when he is right next to us.But backwards with our problems;Huge and right on top of us, when they are small and significantly far away.    ☆ We must keep our […]

Tis The Season

Tis the season. Or tis it not?It’s December now.But does that mean it IS Christmas time, does it really mean ’tis the season’?Culturally, there is a real change in the emotional atmosphere during this time of year.   • Weather can make it feel that way   • The Thanksgiving holiday can start that vibe   • Christmas music can create that holiday […]

Armor 30

We made it!We spoke at length about;     • The War we are in     • The Combatants in the war     • The Character of the combatants     • The Method the combatants use for battle     • The Weapons used for offense in battle     • The Armor used for defense in battle     • The Attitude we need when […]

Armor 29

Let us remember Christian; – We are to live in VICTORY     – We’re not to live in HYPOCRISYThis scripture reminds us that;     • We can boldly speak about The Lord,     • We can explain people what the Word says.     • We can memorize & recite the scriptures     • We can […]

Armor 28

THIS IS YOU!! (or it should be) I love this picture!A brave, hard charging knight, using his ‘shield of faith’ to rush forward toward the barrage of arrows from the adversary.He is going into an obviously extensive attack, and yet he is heroically running right into those enemy lines.Is that me?Is that you?Well, Christian, IF […]

Armor 27

Victory!! Let us focus on THAT for our last days of this month long series.Because our victory is NOT just for us.No victory should be withheld or kept to oneself, but shared and celebrated with praise to Jesus, for it is IN Jesus that victory is achieved.Please remember;In sports, business and relationships, and life, there […]

Armor 26

• Since we have covered all the armor and how to use it for our defense   • Since we have covered who the factions are on each side of the battle is   • Since we have determined the characteristics of the combatants and how they fight;We can now be in a place where our Armor […]

Armor 25

OK, SO;   – We know how fully armored we are.   – We know who our enemy is.   – We know what our defensive weapons are.   – We know what our offensive weapons are.   – We know the character of our enemy.But now we get a glimpse of the type of warrior our commanding general is.HE […]

Armor 24

We’ve talked about the spiritual battle that is going on    – We’ve talked about what God gave us for our defense.   – We’ve talked about what God gave us for our offense.   – We’ve talked about the character of Christ we are to have.   – We’ve talked about the character of our enemy we […]

Armor 23

The most skilled fighter can be at such humble peace and show respect to everyone.Why?Because he knows he can defeat anyone, anytime, anywhere.   – How well do YOU wield the Sword?   – How well do YOU know or understand the Word?   – How well do YOU live out the Truth?We need to be very skilled […]