Childish or Childlike
Childish or Childlike So you know why the narcissist doesn’t realize he is a narcissist?Because he is a narcissist!It is the same way with immaturity.The more that the person acts infantile, the less they appear to realize their behavior.Sadly, it is the same with faith;Are you spiritually childish or childlike? Do you even know […]
Fear Of God
Fear of God I grew up believing fear was a weakness.I grew up believing fear was held by those who were losers.When I became a Christian, fear was a topic that came up often.So, is there anyone who is like me, and found that ‘Fear of God’ thing confusing?Because I […]
Really Know Freedom
Really know Freedom. Seriously, think about this question;Do you REALLY know freedom?Does any concern for – Money- Health- Children- Relationships- Addictions- Lust- Jobs- SecurityCause you any anxiety or burden? Sure,Many of these things are outside our control.But, Many of these things happen because of our need to control. Either way, the worry, concerns, anxieties and burdens we feel from […]
A Hard Man
A Hard Man Remember the Marlboro Man?He was a John Wayne type of guy with a cigarette.He was the epitome of what cool guys wanted to be.Not just a cowboy, but the image of that solid, strong, masculine guy.A man’s man. A tough man.A HARD man. I may not be able […]
Shhhhh There’s a funny saying that had always hit really close to home with me, until the last few years. It is;’Does the noise in my head bother you?’Because I was that guy.I could not stop the loud commotion going on in my brain.Late at night, that ‘white noise’ […]
Never Wrong
Never Wrong Do you know anyone who is never wrong?(Or at least never admits it.)Even in the church, there are way too many. Those folks confessed with their mouths that He is Lord, and say they accepted Him, But now, thinking they ‘got right’ with their life, they believe they’re ‘always right’ in […]
Your Account Is Due
Your Account is Due There is no way to sugar coat this.Like it or not…You HAVE to be accountable.Because one day, and no one knows what day that will be in their life;No matter who you are, no matter if your a Christian, or an Athiest,We will ALL stand at the judgement seat, […]
What’s Stopping You?
WHAT’S STOPPING YOU? Let’s start today’s blog with asking a blunt question;What is the biggest roadblock in your life today?What is your most common answer when someone asks you:What’s stopping you? You probably DON’T say the word ‘ME.‘ Do you?Right. I know. I used to do that all the time as well. I’d say it was ‘because of […]
Ticket To Heaven
Ticket To Heaven Have you noticed a trend in my blogs here?As our daily scripture readings have gone through the book of Matthew, personally, my heart has been pierced at how our belief,which builds our faith, which confirms our righteous, which is our:Ticket to heaven. Sadly, too many people, within the church, don’t realize how their […]
Boom & Zoom!
BOOM & ZOOM! We are living in a time where the news stations live by the mantra of“If it bleeds, it leads!”.The worse it is, the more eyeballs it will get.Meaning the more they can say; “Beware of the scare that’s out there.”The better it will be for them.But we don’t need […]