Ability to Account – Comfort over Character Part 2

            Ability to Account Comfort over Character Part 2 Accountability.Remember it?What a huge weight our nation is feeling today from the loss of that character trait.But what we DO see today is;Adults blaming everything and everyone else for their mistakes or wrongs.So, that is what we see our kids learning to do from […]

Comfort Over Character

  Comfort Over Character We all know that we are born into the human nature of sin.We all know that our world and culture is the nature of sin.We all know that it takes more work to be righteous, than to live in our natural state of the sin of the flesh, and the pride […]

Concealed Carry

       Concealed Carry Are you carrying?Can you carry?Most Christians today do not look like they do.Most Christians today do not look like they can.Most Christians today do not look like they want to.Most Christians today who look like they do want to carry,Only carry it for everyone to see.                      […]

It’s Time

             It’s Time (Even if it isn’t) Jesus was very clear.HE told us very plainly, that when HE was coming back, He would divide people.Look around you, look globally, look nationally, look locally, But most importantly;Look inside of you…what does your gut, your soul, your spirit say?Does it say; – ‘ it’s […]

Know The Church – Root of the Fruit – Part 3

  Know the Church  Root of the Fruit Part 3 2 Days ago I talked about Knowing The Root by the Fruit.Yesterday, I started talking about Knowing GOD, Now we need to speak about the critical importance of the corporate worship.Today’s message is really to continue that train of thought.Today’s message is really to help remind us […]

Know God – Root of the Fruit – Part 2

           KNOW GOD  Root of the Fruit Part 2 Many of you have heard me say this analogy;”Too many Christians know God, just like they know Brad Pitt.”The truth is, Yes, they do. But they only know OF God, just like they know OF Brad Pitt.They’ve read, seen or heard a lot […]

Know the Root by the Fruit

         Know the Root, By the Fruit – There are churches that are supporting gay marriage. – There are churches that are supporting drag queen shows. – There are churches that are supporting collective salvation. – There are churches that are supporting a socialist agenda. – There are churches that are so […]

Prosperity Message

      Prosperity Message If you are anything like me, there have been times in your life where you had serious concerns about having your needs met.Even though I believed in God, believed in God’s power, I just didn’t believe in my worthiness to receive God help in my emergency.I believed in a prosperity […]

Super Man

      Prosperity Message If you are anything like me, there have been times in your life where you had serious concerns about having your needs met.Even though I believed in God, believed in God’s power, I just didn’t believe in my worthiness to receive God help in my emergency.I believed in a prosperity […]