
Until ‘The love of power’Is less important than‘The power of Love’Things will be as they have always been. But that time is coming soon!


Brainwashing The definition of the word ‘brainwashing’ in the dictionary is: brainwashing/ˈbrānˌwôSHiNG/noun the process of pressuring someone into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means.“victims of brainwashing” But this is not anRead More »

In a Bubble

Did you ever get spanked as a kid?If you didn’t, you’ve been or are probably getting spanked by the world today.Did your parents exercise aRead More »


9/11 The day that started the beginning of the end

Back To School

Back to school. That used to be a time when;(I remember it myself because it was less than 50 years go.)All our parents were happyRead More »

Conspiracy Realist

Conspiracy Realist There are 2 definitions (Webster) of the word ‘Conspiracy’. 1. To join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act2. To act inRead More »
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Join a small group of men to find God’s freedom by opening up and discovering HIS peace and forgiveness by either deeply studying God’s Word, or maybe by sharing some scriptures, each other’s lives, and encouragement with each other.

For almost 20 years we’ve come together to find ways for each and every one of us to live in the freedom of the solution. We may all have a different way to get to the goal, but we all have and share that same goal. We wanted the same thing; To live a life without depressions, sadness, anger, bitterness or fear.

Join a small group of other men as they share the exact same stuff you are going through, and find freedom in opening up and discovering God’s peace and forgiveness by studying God’s Word, with each other.

Maybe you want or need to go even deeper yet with a Christian Mentor, as you come to know God in a way that rekindles that spark you have been looking for, and turn it into a raging bonfire!

To see which area of Ahavah Ministries is best for you. Do you think working with a mentor to 1 on 1 with you is best, or do you want to join a fellowship of men who come together to make a real change in their lives, and where they once again find that missing spirit of joy and true meaning in their life.