Bubble Bro

Today’s scripture reminds me of a statement I often make;“Gods desire is not to change the storms that are all around us…It is to change US IN the storms that are all around us.” One of the worst approaches that I have seen and heard others apply to convert a new believer is the;“Your life […]

Choices of Voices

What voice are you listening to? There are many that will compete, loudly, and you may be listening to more than one. But do you listen most to the voice that you think you do, or will you be surprised to realize that you give much more time to a voice, or voices, that you […]

Racism = Weakness

In today’s scripture is another reminder, and example from God, that, was put into the Word, over 2000 years ago, That God, through Christ, teaches HIS followers that there is NO RACISM WITHIN GODS FAMILY. God wants us strong. Racism makes us weak. Peter was a Jew, and because of the Jewish traditions, he did […]

Soul Man

In last night’s group, we talked about our ‘Soul’. The topic of our Soul, sadly, is rarely spoken of from the pulpits, yet even more sadly, it is the most important place the enemy wants to control. The world has always promoted a success driven culture.• Money• Property• Power• Fame• Prestige• Knowledge The one who […]

What Do You Think?

What do you think? Too many men walk today with so many insecurities. The value they have of themselves is very low to non existent. But men; What is even worse overall, is the value that some of us may seek for ourselves from outside sources. Remember that song; ‘Lookin for love in all the […]

Through The Storm

THROUGH THE STORM Many of you have heard me say this scripture, but in a different way; “We will never stop the storms in our lives… But we can find peace within the storms of our lives.” It is such a huge achievement, and absolute honor, be a man that lives in a Philippians 4:7 […]

Who In The World Are You?

Who In The World Are You? The words of Stephen, in our scripture today, show us not only his knowledge of the Word (He is schooling the Pharasee’s), but it also shnows his knowledge in exactly who God really is. Men, How often are you the center of your universe? How frequently do you behave […]

Bury The Self

Bury The Self Dying to self… You know how they say; “Simple, but not easy” Not this one. Not simple at all. And ~ It is not even easy to understand some times. – Because this means we have to give up a part of our character, we may not have even known existed! • […]

S.O.C. (Save our Children)

S.O.C. (Save our Children) Today’s scripture reminds me of the factoid I learned some time ago; – Historically, It is the rise of a cultural agreement, & the rampant practice of immoral and deviant sexual behaviors, that signaled the start of the collapse of a civilization. – Well, The U.S.A. has slipped over that slope […]


TIME WILL TELL In today’s scripture, Peter repeats again, what we talked about just yesterday: – The battle we have with our obedience. It is the battle eternal; • The World – Which is being run by the enemy, has always been at war with; • Our Soul – Which should be run by God. […]