Character over Comfort?

Character or Comfort;Which does God cared about more? ‘Dalmation Theology’Ignoring the ‘Spots’ in the Bible that one doesn’t like.Choosing to believe only parts of the bible one agrees with. Ever talk to someone who does that? Have you ever found yourself thinking or doing that? Well, it’s not OK.As the Bible specifically says; ☆ ~ ALL ~ Scripture […]

Indisputable Matter

A Bible, a coffee pot and an indisputable natter is all you need to start a new church. A healthy church sincerely believes & teaches; • That the perfect Son of God, Jesus, lived • That Jesus was sacrificed and died for our sins on a cross • That 3 days later God resurrected him […]

Talk Politics

Talk Politics? Hows this: Being right as a Christian, means doing right as a citizen, Unless doing right as a citizen, means being wrong as a Christian. What Paul says in today’s scripture is that saying. As is this verse: ☆ Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men. • Acts […]


Citizenship. Remember hearing: “When you’re in Rome, live like a Roman.” Everyone does. That saying about Citizenship is as old as I know. It is probably even more well known than todays scripture, even though I’m confident a majority of Christians know this verse very well too. This verse is ‘talked’ about so often from […]


Perspective “If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. If you look to God you’ll be at rest.” • Corrie Ten Boom It is all perspective, and how and what you look to for your solutions. For the most part, our culture has been looking more and […]

“Do you know who my father is?”

Do you know who my father is? I heard that a lot when I was a kid. You see, I was a kid that got in trouble a lot, and I hung out with other kids who got in trouble a lot too, and some of those troubled kids came from homes with Rich, Powerful […]


ID Do vs ID Done Today’s scripture proves that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, just as sin is. What is being said in this passage is just as relevant, if not more, about 2000 years later! Today, people want to do the choosing of their own individual identity, based on how they […]

What a Lifeguard!

What a lifeguard! How many times have you been rescued? If your reading this now, and you can’t think of a time…then you just weren’t aware of it at the time. Because I am confident God has saved your life by throwing out a life preserver at least once, if not many more times. ☆ […]

Who do YOU esteem more?

Who do you ‘Esteem’ more? You, or those around you? Our system has baked into us the idea that for the sake of our ‘mental wellness’, we need to have a ‘Healthy Self Esteem’ So, that means we are to lift up and approve of ourselves, based on what we think and know of ourselves. […]

Who am I?

Who am I? Today’s scripture is about the weight of leadership. I spoke on how that affected me at a group last night. David said: ☆ “Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?” “You know what your servant is really like.” • 1 Chronicles 17:16 & […]