Happy For Hardship

The Bible clearly states that we are to be ‘Happy for Hardship’. That would seem to say that the Bible is actually asking us to be the opposite of who we are.It looks like the Bible is telling us we need to do something that is not humanly possible. YES!   It is!  It is telling us […]

Always Right

Have you met, do you know, or are you that person who is ALWAYS RIGHT? That person who would rather be right, then happy…Who would rather prove themselves correct, then to be corrected? That person who would rather build themselves up in pride, rather than lower themselves in humility? Because that person lives backwards.    […]

Calm in the Storm

We know that God will not calm the storms in our lives, but he will CALM US IN the storms. The scriptures have told us that:    I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”    […]

Listening for God

Too many people today base their worth on the opinions of others.Too many people today base their value on the current trend of the world’s values.Too many people today do NOT stop, read the Word, listening for God to speak to their heart, and let HIM tell them what their worth is, what their value is and who they really, honestly […]

Let Go, Let God

From today’s reading, I am reminded of that old and famous saying; Let Go, Let God. There is that nasty word‘LET’again.‘LET’ in this instance, is a Verb. It is an action word. For men like us, it can be a very difficult word to exercise.• To stop our will,- then to be still,- so God can instill- […]

Only Christ’s Leadership

In last night’s group, we specifically spoke about this – the corruption of our political leadership – that just happens to be today’s daily scripture for us to read.Coincidence? NO WAY.We are being directed, even more today, to rely onONLY CHRIST’S LEADERSHIP!    ☆ And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one […]


Pornography Do you have a problem with pornography?Odds are very high that you do.I know I do. It is an addiction, like alcohol.Sadly though, even as 7% of men in the U.S suffer from alcohol addiction, 33% of men in the U.S. suffer from pornography addiction. ~ yet, even worse ~ 36% of MEN WITHIN THE CHURCH have porn addictions! Think […]

What is my purpose?

WHAT IS MY PURPOSE? Have you ever had that thought, ‘What is my purpose?’I know I have. It is usually a thought that will only come in times of things like distress, lack, or failure.No other times, because when things are good, when we have enough money, food, clothing, and our relationships are not too strained, it […]

I answer to no one!

I answer to no one! I hear that statement more often than you would think. ‘I answer to no one!’ That may sound great, and may be true for that person…today. But it is not a true statement for that person forever.Because they WILL answer to someone, someday, for everything, they ever- THOUGHT– SAID or- DIDon […]