Are YOU Righteous?

Do you believe you are a righteous person?- Or do you believe you are a sinful person?Do you pray, hoping God will hear you?- Or do you have faith that your prayers are powerful & effective? Sadly, most Christians believe that they are sinful people, just becoming better and less sinful every day, praying for God […]

Your ‘Real’ Identity

What do you think, when I ask this question;Do you know your ‘real’ identity? Do you think of a gender identity?Do you think of a sexual identity?Do you think of a political identity? Most people will, because;That is what todays culture bases identity on today.But that is NOT what God meant.God told us that we were CREATED […]

Join A Mens Group Today

Men, you aren’t alone. You don’t have to deal with this by yourself.More than likely, you tried and failed to succeed at this by yourself.Join a group of men who are there to support, encourage, help and strengthen you in your walk in purity, sobriety, righteousness, and peace.Ahavah Ministries has groups, set up just for […]

Love those in power!

Love those in power.’What?’ You may ask? ‘Say that again’, you may demand.You may believe that you hate those in power, yet now I tell you to love them?Yes…LOVE THOSE IN POWER! Why?Because God tells us to.  ☆ I urge first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people for kings […]

Color before Christ

Anyone who says Christians are racist is either lying, ignorant, or trying to sell you something.Because no ‘REAL’ Christian, who ‘REALLY’ walks with the Lord, will be racist.They won’t put color before Christ. You ask, ‘How can I say that?’Well, very confidently I can say that a person who really walks with Christ, Will also be […]


Disinformtaion: The purposeful falsification of information, with the specific intent to mislead.It has existed, since the dawn of time.Since the serpent deceived eve…Jesus even told us that; ☆ He (Satan) was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks […]


People fear what politicians want and do.People fear what our Government wants and does.People fear what the World Economic Forum wants and does.People fear Satan, his plans, his schemes, and his continuous lies.BUT GOD…Perspective. When we know where the power & control REALLY is right now…we can live in real peace, without any fear.Jesus tells us […]


☆ Choose for your tribes wise, understanding, and experienced men, and I will appoint them as your heads.• Deuteronomy 1:13