
Accountability The world today does NOT teach accountability.The world is too selfish, self centered and narcissistic for that.As a matter of fact, the world teaches the exact opposite.The world has a culture now that only teaches how to point fingers. So, because of that, as we: • Demand others to be responsible for their words and […]
Bad Math

Bad Math 1+1 = 2 Many! (Way Too Often!)BUT… As this picture shows, and these scriptures say, 2 must become 1. Today’s culture says that is BAD MATH.Now we live in a society that wants us to believe that 2+2=5. We grew up learning that 1+1=2.That formula was what most people took into their marriages too.However, in […]
Thinking of YOU

Thinking of you When we say the words ‘Thinking of you’, it is usually in passing, on a post card, or in a ‘drive by’ kind of a thought.In a way, it is sort of like a 30,000 foot altitude wave to someone on the way by, as we go out the door, or are […]
Could You?

Could YOU? Could you?You’re thinking, ‘Could I what?’Sacrifice. Sacrifice what? Your Baby Son or DaughterCould YOU willingly hand over your child to be killed?Heck, could you even ‘Unwillingly‘ do it?Or would you sacrifice your life first…just to save theirs? Think of that;Could you create a child, knowing that the purpose of that child is to just be killed.Is […]

Priority What is your main priority?What are your top 5 priorities?Are they the same throughout the whole year?During the Christmas season, do your priorities change at all? Because God says they shouldn’t. ☆ But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. • Matthew 6:33 • The average American […]

Think about this guys; The Magi told King Herod; ☆ “It is written by the prophet: In Bethlehem…in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel. • Matthew 2:5-6 That statement from them tells us specific information; 1. They […]

Unity Uniformity, and unity are NOT the same thing.Tuesday night in the Men’s Group, the Lord had us speaking about unity.We looked at 3 areas of unity; – The Group – Inside the Home – Outside the HomeAs Christians, we are supposed to live in Unity…everywhere…but do we? The reason this topic was so impactful for […]
Left or Right

This year, no matter how left or right anyone is politically, let us all be firm in the TRUTH, religiously
Self Spectrum

Self Spectrum So, yesterday we talked about how God was not fair.HE gave us so much more than we could ever give HIM.But – we are supposed to live our lives by HIS example.OK then, God said for us to die to self…how are YOU doing with that?Where do you stand on the self spectrum?What […]
That’s Not Fair!