Could YOU?

Could you?
You’re thinking, ‘Could I what?’
Sacrifice what?
Your Baby Son or Daughter
Could YOU willingly hand over your child to be killed?
Heck, could you even ‘Unwillingly‘ do it?
Or would you sacrifice your life first…just to save theirs?
Think of that;
Could you create a child, knowing that the purpose of that child is to just be killed.
Is that too unrealistic to imagine?
No way, God put that into our psyche 4000 year ago with Abraham.
 God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
   • Genesis 22:2
Let’s be clear here, God saw that Abraham was devoted to God’s desires first, before his own.
He was willing to sacrifice what was most important to him FOR GOD.
Not for himself.
Because of that, God solved that specific situation by sparing his son, and blessing Abraham.
Since Abraham showed he was self-LESS, God gave him MORE than anyone else.
Well, sadly, that was not how the rest of the world behaved.
As it has been proven, back from 650 BC on, that there has been those willing to sacrifice their children for their own self-ISH desires.
For their own desires & luxuries.
    And have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal,
   • Jeremiah 19:5
Burning their child to death on the flaming hot arms of their gods like baal and molech.
Sacrificing their babies to their gods, so they can receive their hearts desires.
Selfishness, being the primary motivation for human activity then, just as it is now, allowed those people to offer up what should have been the most sacred part of their lives…their children.
‘So what’, you may think. that was 3000 years ago.
We don’t sacrifice children like that anymore?
     – Really?
What do you think abortion is?
Using the chemicals Methotrexate, Misoprotol, Mifepristone are the most common abortive process to kill the fetus in the womb of its mother.
Just like ancient times, it is done for the selfishness of ease and luxury.
That self-centered unwillingness to sacrifice anything of self, but instead sacrifice the completely helpless has infected this whole culture to become a narcissistic cesspool.
Now too much of this world is unwilling to sacrifice anything, for anyone, at anytime
And because of that, God’s love is so much harder to see.
    But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?
   • 1 John 3:7
But for those who DO want to see God’s love, can see God’s love in the sacrifice HE made for us!
He did the most important thing, that was ever done in history, for you…and me.
He gave the most important thing that ever existed, to people who were not even born yet.
He sacrificed the most perfect being, for people who would never deserve or earn it.
He willing GAVE is Son.
He allowed His Child to be born, knowing the only purpose of that child was to be killed.
Self-LESS-ly HE did that.
    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
   • John 3:16
Could you?
If you could, would you?
Of course not
We’re not God.
But THAT is OUR God.
Think of that this Christmas, as we celebrate the Child.