
Let us focus on THAT for our last days of this month long series.Because our victory is NOT just for us.No victory should be withheld or kept to oneself, but shared and celebrated with praise to Jesus, for it is IN Jesus that victory is achieved.Please remember;In sports, business and relationships, and life, there can be NO victory without having gone through some sort of conflict FIRST!Many people have lousy armor or never put theirs on.That means they will not be prepared to defend or stand strong in adversity, so they will buckle under the pressure but too often still consider it victory.Why would they do that?Easy;The pain of the problem no longer hurts like it did before they gave up.That feels like a win!But it is NOT…it is just the temporary relief of the issue by surrendering to the problem.It is a bandaid over a bullet hole.It is not helpful because it is not solved, and will actually come back more harmful in the future.Conversely, unless we have gone ‘ALL the way’ through it, we can not comfort others who are going through the same problems today that we have gone through before.How could we?We would have no idea of what the real solution looks like.Sure, we can talk all kinds of stuff, give advice and tell them what we think they should do.(Like too many do, about too many serious problems.)But it would all be crap.(OR gossip, or sticking noses into other people’s business.)For the only way to sincerely help others win, is to actually be a winner first.No coach, manager, leader counselor, preacher, or good friend can teach anything of any real substance without knowing it firsthand.Having experienced it personally.So, stay in it to win it.GOD will NOT take you TOWhatGOD will not bring you THROUGHBecause the victory is not just for you and your relationship with Christ (Which it is), butIt is also for the next person to learn from you and experience a deeper love and knowledge of HIM as well.And Christian, you have no greater purpose in life than to help others know God more, do you?