• We’ve talked about the kind of armor God has prepared for us wear
• We’ve talked about the way God wants us to use that armor for defense
• We’ve talked about the weapons God has given us to use for offense
– But…
We haven’t talked about the weapons that the enemy of God uses yet.
– Which are all lies.
We, as mortals, have become conditioned to use physical artillery for our offense or defense, but this is a war that those weapons will not work in.
This is a battle that falls outside of our human capabilities, needing a solution we will not find in a holster, sheath or toolbelt.
– A knife can not stop a lie.
– A gun can not shoot a demonic deception.
Sadly, that knife and gun can and is used by the enemy at us,
– But
They can’t be used by us AGAINST the enemy.
Because those weapons are of this world, but our enemy, who may ‘run’ this world, is not ‘of’ this world.
– So, what weapon do we have that CAN be used against this enemy?
As the scripture states:
• ‘We are not to be ignorant of the devils devices‘
(2 Cor. 2:11)
Let’s add to that;
We should also not be ignorant of how he uses his devices.
– And –
We should not be ignorant on how we should combat those devices.
And now is that?
– Our enemy will not physically touch us, that is not how he fights.
He will whisper
– Deceitful words,
– Believable lies,
– Dangerous deceptions
into our ears, ‘trying’ to turn our mind, change what we believe, even if ever so slightly – so we are off the mark – which is the definition of sin.
So, let us fight this enemy from out of this world, with the sin destroying power that we are provided from out of this world.
Let us
• Read
• Learn
• Speak
• Live
The truth daily, and allow it to be the weapons of our enemies destruction.