I said yesterdays proverb hit home, but Proverb 12 speaks on how our words hit others.
I grew up with: ‘Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.’
Today it is: ‘Stick and stones may break my bones, but words are so harmful to my life that I need to sue you, to censor you and to shut you up!’
When we die to self, pure love fills us, and we can speak all of our words as calmly as we receive all other people’s words.
However, how many people that you talk to have really died to self?
More importantly, be honest here…have YOU really died to self?
Because without our reliance on
- HIM for our peace,
HIM for our maturity. &
HIM for our humility,
We are left within our own self-based thinking, which will always place us where we will be offended, or be offending others.
So, God is telling us here to be wise, so that our words will have a healing effect.
Our wisdom from God, comes from our obedience TO God, which can only come from our surrendering to God, which can only come by our dying to self.
So – unless we DIE TO SELF, the words we speak can hurt others, and the words we hear can hurt us.
That is NOT God’s will.
I love you guys.