If the saying; “The eyes are the window to the soul.” is true, then Proverb 6 tells us that we need to be careful for falling into trouble through the eyes of a soul that’s full of sin.
I always took pride about myself when a woman would look at me with that lustful ‘come get me’ look.
It was the answer I was looking for. It made all the work I had done to make my outsides look good, worth it. It was my goal, as I was seeking lust, and I wanted to have those kinds of eyes looking at me.
It got better and better the nicer the woman looked whose face those lusty eyes were on!
This verse in Proverb 6 has it all:
- The lust of the eyes,
- The lust of the flesh and
- The pride of life.
Since the beginning of time, this has been the deadly design of the enemy.
And Proverb 6 is telling us that our hearts can be easily deceived into sin, with what the world thinks is a natural, good thing…a lustful attraction.
Watch out for those eyes, and keep your on the prize.
I love you guys!