Do You Feel Righteous?
If you struggle with porn, lust, greed, or revere money too much, how does that make you feel?
Do you feel righteous?
If you have issues with talking badly of others, with dishonesty, drinking or any immortality in work, do you feel Godly?
If you are completely honest with yourself, and have any challenges in these areas, do you feel clean or dirty?
Because God is very clear on that;
What is Unrighteousness?
☆ Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of
God? Do not be deceived:
– neither the sexually immoral, (Porn, Lust)
– nor idolaters, (Money, Property, Prestige)
– nor adulterers,
– nor men who practice homosexuality,
– nor thieves, (Self Explanatory)
– nor the greedy,
– nor drunkards,
– nor revilers, (People who talk bad of others)
– nor swindlers, (Lying to take from others)
will inherit the kingdom of God.
• 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Do you feel righteous?
Accepting Christ for me just opened my eyes to how UNRIGHTEOUS I am.
The closer I get to God, the more unworthy I believe I am FOR God.
But that is because I have Bible teachers, counsel and a church that is willing to teach the heard truths.
Sadly, too many Christians have fallen prey to churches that won’t.
Instead, like we were told they would:
– They teach financial prosperity.
– They teach Collection salvation.
– They teach you ARE God.
– They teach you are perfect, just how you are…don’t change a thing.
Will God Allow Unrighteous Teaching?
☆ There will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in
destructive heresies…many will follow their sensuality, and because of
them the way of truth will be blasphemed…For
– If God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell…v4
– If he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah…v5
– If by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes HE condemned them to extinction…v6
– If he rescued righteous Lot…v7
Then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials,
and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgement
• 2 Peter 2:1-9
But just knowing about God, saying a few words, spending an hour a week in a building, singing songs and listening to messages is NOT what will make us righteous.
And if it did, why would we even want that?
Here’s an example;
I started going to church because of a girl.
She was cute, sweet, and I wanted to get some of that.
However, I didn’t stay at that church because of that girl.
I didn’t even stay at that church at all.
God pierced my heart with a message spoken there, and I wanted eternal life heard about there, but I knew that I would not hear it with that girl, in that church, so I looked for a church that was more suited for me.
So, if you come to God from fear of going to hell.
That may not be a bad thing, – as The Word says;
“Fear of God is the beginning of knowledge.”
So, if our desire is eternal life, we desire a great promise.
☆ And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life.
• Matthew 25:46
There is scripture that no one is righteous, no not one.
‘MAN’ is not righteous.
You and me…as men…are not righteous.
But the man who BELIEVES;
He changes.
He changes his behaviors, his thoughts and his actions,
THAT is a man of God.
His Belief is what God considers as righteous!
This is NOT just my opinion here,
HE said it, and not just to Abraham, but HE’S telling us here too!
☆ However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.
• Romans 4:5
That complete belief, that full faith, is what makes us righteous.
Do you feel righteous?
So, my point today in this blog is that too many men in the church today are UNRIGHTEOUS.
Those who are still participating in Porn, self centeredness, alcoholism, lust, dishonesty, greed and idolatry.
Too many don’t ever realize they struggle with any issue, and too many who DO know they are sinning, are not repentant (Which is a HUGE deal when asking God for forgiveness.).
Which means, too many men (and women) we see in the church, we will not see in heaven.
We do not want to be those men (or women).
We need to live with a heart of total belief.
We need to live out our complete faith.
We need to live in a place where we know we are righteous.
☆ For in just a little while, the Coming One will come and not delay.
And my righteous ones will live by faith.
• Hebrews 10:38
When that day comes;
– Let our righteousness,
– Born of our faith,
– Grown out of our belief,
– Show itself to God &
– Take us to heaven!
What hope!
Let us share that hope with everyone else!
I love you guys!