How confident are you?
Say that if Jesus comes to your house, and asks to see the last 6 month history of all your internet devices?
Are you boldly able to show him?
Are you ashamed to show him?
How confident are you?
Is the first problem you think about, when you imagine Jesus looking through your computer, porn?
It is most probable.
But is it the only thing?
Not even close.
– It is possible that we do not look at the internet like God is sitting next to us at the computer?
– It is possible that we do not drive like God is sitting right next to us?
– It is possible that we do not date, work, parent, or do many other things like God is right there with us?
But we should.
☆ The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.
• Proverbs 15:3
So, are we behaving in our life like Jesus is right next to us?
OK, so now for a moment, let’s just put computer porn aside.
We all know that is one of the biggest problems on the computer today, but by far, not the ONLY big issue.
Let’s address Social Media.
How would your history look on the computer regarding social media?
Bitterness, anger, pride, selfishness, disrespect, envy, greed and so much more can all show themselves in all of the different pictures we see posted, remarks that are responded to, opinions that are commented on.
So, my point here, is though we are concerned on what Jesus would see on the computer from our last 6 months;
Say Jesus comes to your house and asks you
‘What are you thinking’
Over the last 6 months while you are on the computer?
How bold are you with THAT answer?
How confident are you?
Because we should care MORE about that!
☆ You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar.
• Psalm 139:2
– Do we think our thoughts,
as if we know
– Jesus knows our thoughts,
even before
– We are thinking out thoughts?
Let us be honest with ourselves.
Probably a long way to go, huh?
That is why I write this today.
I would like you to join me in remembering on how God has asked us to be.
And how is that?
That in ALL things, we are to behave, act, think, respond, and communicate
just as if God were right next to us…but within us!
Let us live as if we are GLORIFYING GOD in all things.
☆ So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
• Corinthians 10:31
Say God comes to your house today, how well are you able to communicate with Him about your last 6 months of computer use, thoughts, actions and behaviors?
6 weeks?
6 Days?
6 Minutes?
How bold are you to speak to Jesus about that?
How confident are you?
Because God has promised us:
He will fill us WITH HIM, as we obey Him.
☆ Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”
• John 14:21
I love you guys!