There are SO many ism’s.
Which ‘ism’ do you practice?
We know of:
• Liberalism
• Conservatism
• Communism
• Socialism
• Totalitarianism
• Fascism &
• Capitalism.
And there is also:
• Optimism
• Stoicism
• Hedonism
• Idealism
• Narcissism
But today’s world seems to center around the isms of:
• Atheism
• Agnosticism
• Egalitarianism
• Materialism &
• Trans-Human-ism
In 1928, F.E. Smith, who was The Earl of Birkenhead, a British Cabinet Member and a good friend of Winston Churchill, wrote an essay of what he thought would be best for humanity in the future.
He was well ahead in that ‘ism’ topic.
Test tube babies, genetic manipulation, social engineering and synthetic foods;
For us to think that these topics are recent to our generation is ignorant,
As the Bible also alludes to:
☆ Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man.
• Matthew 24:24
Ray Kurzweil – The creator of the 1st electric keyboard, and long time futurist for Google has predicted that by 2029, technology will pass human comprehension, and by 2049, we will have synchronization of humans and technology.
Isn’t it exciting to live in the time when the world is trying to ‘trans’ everyone?
Isn’t it great to know that this ‘ism’ is just a cliff that our culture is pushing us all over?
But best of all, how wonderful is the assurance we have that all of this is just the pre-cursor to Jesus coming back to
Trans-form the WHOLE WORLD!
Our job, or our place as Christians, is to be ready to speak out HIS heart and help those who do not want to be transformed into the image of the World, but are ready to hear about the Love of The Word.
Because they need to know about HIS return, to crush this rebellion, and bring light into the darkness.
☆ Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction
• 2 Thessalonians 2:3
Synchronicity, the merging of humans and technology, and it is what so many people of the world have been hoping for…waiting for.
It is the time of times where man can put himself in the place of God.
It is where man has created the environment where he can actually believe that he IS God.
That is not new;
The ‘man IS God’ theory has been a theistic belief for thousands of years.
However, the biology, technology and humanistic theology have never been more together, in place, and ready to apply…where mankind can actually believe he is able to create his own eternal life; He can create his own human ‘ism’.
But it is a lie.
☆ No one comes to the Father except through me.
• John 14:6
That is why the only ‘ism’ we should find important is;
I love you guys!