What if you had to do a show, but only had an Audience of 1?
Would your content be any different depending on your audience member?
Would your efforts be any different depending on your audience member?
Would your desire be any different depending on your audience member?
Well, that is kind of how it is for us all right now.
God is always watching us.
But, do we live like we are aware, or conscious of it?
I remember as a kid, how I would behave differently with my aunt.
She was so generous, loving, kind and sweet to me.
I would always behave different in front of her.
But only when she was around.
The thing is, God is ALWAYS around.
He always watches us, sees what we are doing.
But too often, we behave like He doesn’t and isn’t.
We often will behave like we believe we are not where He can see us, or if we are…
That He is not looking.
☆ And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
• Hebrews 4:13
We are always in HIS presence.
We are always in HIS sight.
We are always in HIS judgement to be accountable.
We will have to answer for all of our actions.
But even worse;
We forget that He knows our thoughts!
We forget that all of our actions we will have to answer for;
are only the by-product of our thoughts.
I can admit that there are still times where I struggle.
I find myself in a thought process that would be embarrassing if anyone outside of me knew what it was I was thinking.
But there is someone who always does know my thoughts.
☆ Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
• Psalm 139:1-5
So today I ask you to join me in committing your heart, thoughts and actions to God.
Let’s discipline ourselves into a mindset that believes we live for an
What does that mean?
It doesn’t mean putting on a good show for God;
It means living a life that shows our goodness to God.
It doesn’t mean to be change, like I did for my aunt because she was good to me;
It means that I live a life that’s changed, because of how God has been so good to me.
It really means that anytime God looks, watches and sees me, because He knows my thoughts…He will be pleased.
Because of my love for Him, that derived from His love for me,
My choice will be to live for Him, because I’m saved because He died for me.
Because that way, when when we behave like that, as if no one but God is looking, when anyone, and NOT JUST GOD, sees me, they will be able to determine who I am by my actions.
☆ Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.
• James 3:13
So, as critical as it is that we live and be for an audience of 1…remember;
It is just as important for us to be an example always, for there will be times where others may join that audience with God who see the show of my life.
My hope is for them to see His example in me, and see HIS work through my conduct.
I love you guys!