Sadly, too many people, even Christians, expect the source of their joy, to be other people or their circumstances.
So when things don’t go well with family, relationships, jobs, money, or the hopes we put in the situations we want to come our way…we can not find the joy that we need to help be the foundation of the peace and love of our lives.
GOD is the source of all of that supply.
☆ You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine.
• Psalm 4:7
It is God who should be the source of all of our Joy, Hope, Peace, Gladness.
Not circumstances, people or things.
We can always be filled with HIS joy, which has no end, instead of a temporary high of the expectations we can put on ourselves from our carnal wants and needs that the world tells us we need.
Men, let us lead in that way. That our FAITH, our BELIEF, our EXPECTATIONS are in HIM, not anything else.
☆ May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
• Romans 15:13
Let HIS power, be our power, so we can always be empowered, in HIS gladness, peace and joy, because people, places and things will always let us down.
Remember what Paul said; from a place of being a prisoner while, in chains
He is telling us, by showing us, what God wants for us.
☆ Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.
• Philippians 4:4
For that is where our permanent power resides.
Not in relationships, circumstances, things, events.
No…It is in HiS joy within us!
I love you guys!