Work out on Joy
Think about this verse; Our strength is HIS joy!
Does that make sense to you? 
When you think of your strength, what is it you think of?
Because most often, men equate strength within the physical format. Like when we are working out, pumping weights, increasing muscle mass and enhancing our ability to lift ever increasing pounds.
However, we may also be looking at strength in the emotional sense, like maybe we think of a man who does not cry. Possibly we may be thinking of a man who is not overly emotional or unsteady.
Of course we could be imagining a man who does not fall apart when tragedy happens or life beats him down.
Take into consideration this;
When you were young, what happened when you received encouragement, a compliment, assistance or maybe even just an ‘attaboy’ because an adult you really respected was there for you, and had your back.

How did you feel?

Right, 10 feet tall and bulletproof.

The word ‘strength’ used here in Hebrew is;


place or means of safety, protection, refuge, stronghold

  1. place of safety, fastness, harbor, stronghold
  2. refuge (of God) (fig.)
  3. human protection (fig.)
Our strength is in HIS protection
   ☆ The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.
   • Proverbs 18:10
Now, let’s flip that script; 
When we think of Joy, it is usually because we are personally experiencing something. Yes, and sadly, most often for us, it is a self based feeling from something good that has been done FOR or TO us.
But let’s look and see if you have ever had a time in your life where you have assisted or encouraged a child, and they responded with such gratitude, or they took your advice and you watched how they succeeded;
What did you feel then?
Correct, Pure Joy.

This scripture is both of those, JOY & STRENGTH…but times 10 million!

The Word ‘joy’ used here in Hebrew is


A pure joy, a full gladness
Jesus Himself even speaks about it;
   ☆ “These things I speak in the world, that they may have MY JOY fulfilled in themselves
   • John 17:13
Jesus is saying that what I give, is for their joy to recieve.
That is such an anachronism for today’s culture.
It is rare that anyone will give anything to someone else, without some expectation of getting something back for it.
But that is not God way, and that is why WE need to do this.
Not only because we need to rest in it (the strength of His joy) but also because of we need to mimick it (giving of ourselves to others to bring them joy).
That is what the Apostles did.
They mimicked Christ in their words, and deeds.
They repeated and lived His words.
They they taught all those they came into contact with, to do so also. 
   ☆ And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit
   • 1 Thessalonians 1:6
So, that is what WE are supposed to do.
Rest in HIS joy and use it as OUR strength.
And pass it on.
Give it away.
Because when we;
Work Out On Joy
We will have;
Strength to lift everyone up!
I love you guys!