Who do you ‘Esteem’ more?
You, or those around you?
Our system has baked into us the idea that for the sake of our ‘mental wellness’, we need to have a
‘Healthy Self Esteem’
So, that means we are to lift up and approve of ourselves,
based on what we think and know of ourselves.
So, in effect, we are to esteem ourselves first.
Like a dirty rag, that tries to clean itself, that works very well in today’s narcissistic culture – being that it is so self absorbed – so that respect, kindness, and tolerance for others, is harder and harder to find every single day.
But is that what God wants?
☆ Let nothing be done through rivalry or conceit;
But in humility, esteem others more.
• Philippians 2:3
Based on that scripture, I’m pretty sure that would be a resounding NO!
• God wants us to value others much higher than we do,
• God wants us to sacrifice our own egos much more than we do,
• God wants us to treat others much better than we do.
So, continuing on in that last verse;
☆ Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
• Philippians 2:4
– It is very hard to be ‘Narcissistic’ when looking out for others interests are the goal.
– It is hard to be a selfish person, when considering another person more important.
As the saying goes;
‘It’s NOT about thinking
less of yourself;
It is just about thinking
of yourself LESS’
The times in my life where I have felt the most fulfilled, is when I have been serving others.
When we do for others, we are actually doing for ourselves as well.
☆ So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding
• Romans 14:19
So let us be, as Christ would, always seeking ways to build others up.
Let us try to be the BEST at it, as it will build and strengthen us at the same time as well.
That is what God asks us to do.
☆ Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
• Romans 12:10
I love you guys!