Fault Finder, are you one? Do you know one? Fault finding is a consequence of the heart, or a mindset, of a bitter person. The behavior is not the core, but it is the smoke.

So, let’s talk about the FIRE!

Why is it that the most frequent way that humans make themselves feel better, is only at the expense of others?

You know why…

• The SIN of SELF.

When we judge others actions, by our intentions, we will find their imperfections easily.
If one is looking to find a fault,
they will. It is easy to be a fault finder, and also to find faults too…even if the fault has to be fabricated.

For way too many people, even Christians;
When they have a ‘low self esteem’ when it is difficult for them to find any good qualities within themselves, or if they don’t know if they even possess a good quality…

To feel better about themself, it helps them if they are able to find a bad quality or some sort of worse behavior that they have, that they can find in someone else

It is a form of Control

So, when they:
• Criticize,
• Complain, or
• Correct

It shows the heart of the person who does that, it proves that it is a heart that is focused on self.

We need to change that. We need to have that heart of stone removed, and replace it with a heart of flesh.

Yet, only God can do that.

Let us die to SELF.
Let us live for HIM!

Then we can accept other people for who they really are, because we see people for whom they really are, because we start from a place of knowing who WE really are.

An imperfect, flawed, hurting children of God.

I love you guys!