Zip it. Because when you have nothing to say;
It is a good idea to say nothing.

Unfortunately, too many people love the sound of their own voices.
Sadly, too many people are impressed with their own knowledge.

But worse, they want you to be  all impressed with it also.

We are in a culture today that is filled with those people.
From the top of power and influence, to the poorest and least of us all.

But it not a new issue;

☆ A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.
• Proverbs 18:2

They didn’t zip it back then also.

These verses are about stopping the actions, or reactions of ‘thoughts’.

I will go even further with this…
I will say we stop the thoughts too!

Yet how?
☆ By ‘being transformed by the renewal of your mind’
• Romans 12:2

OK. So how do we do that?

New Thoughts.
New Discipline.
New Habits

If we do something over and over, it becomes a habit.
Habits that are put together are what create a character.

• Whatever is true,
• Whatever is honorable,
• Whatever is just,
• Whatever is pure,
• Whatever is lovely,
• Whatever is commendable,
– If there is any excellence,
– If there is anything worthy of praise,
THINK about these things.
• Philippians 4:8

When we change the habits of what we think about,
we will change the habits of what say talk about.
– Or NOT talk about,

Sounds like GOOD new habits!

Which will demonstrate the ‘Character’ of who we really are…A Child Of Christ!

So men, ZIP IT.

Rather than people knowing everything you think, let them wonder about all of your wisdom.

I love you guys!