Today’s scripture reminds me of a statement I often make;
“Gods desire is not to change the storms that are all around us…
It is to change US IN the storms that are all around us.”

One of the worst approaches that I have seen and heard others apply to convert a new believer is the;
“Your life will be so much better when you give your life to Christ!”

While that is not a lie, it is also not a perfectly true statement either.
That usually doesn’t happen immediately, and therefore sets up an unrealistic expectation for the person accepting Christ.

Because we don’t live in a bubble.

So, when the new believers life has not changed into this
‘heaven on earth’
that was promised in the sales pitch,
and is still dealing the worlds crap, and life is still coming at them, it is hard for that new believer to keep their faith.

Then, add to that, this new message this fresh believer hears about the need to change…to die to self.

Sadly, too many young believers fall away when those high expectations, meet those stark realities.

Because then, they’ve realized they haven’t been living in a bubble.

It has been proven that the right approach would be;
“Your life will be so ‘DIFFERENT’
when you give your life to Christ.”

☆ Confessing with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead” (Roman’s 10:9) saves US, but does not save the world.

So, at first, most new believers see their lives staying the exact same;
• Emotionally
• Financially
• Relationally
• Legally
• Geographically

IF they have a
– Mature Christian Mentor,
or belong to a
– Healthy Christian Small Group;
• They will learn how to read and undertsand the scriptures,
• They will have a fellowship of believers around to encourage and support them,
• They will have the disciplines of new thoughts, behaviors and actions in their life
• They will have learned how to establish their own intimate life with Christ.

And THIS will blow away any and all expectations of a Christian life that they could have ever had!

Because then, they are put
of Christ,
• His Holy Spirit,
• His Protection,
• His Love
• His Peace.

And not fear, or even be affected by the storms that will still be raging in the world.

So tell the new believer their life will be different, THEN better, for that will be realistic.

Then they can call themself a; ‘Bubble Bro’!