What voice are you listening to?

There are many that will compete, loudly, and you may be listening to more than one.

But do you listen most to the voice that you think you do,
or will you be surprised to realize that you give much more time to a voice, or voices, that you never wanted to?

These are the 4 main voices;

1. Voice of the ‘WORLD’

Celebrities or even some
There are many people, most who are well meaning, but still so many who just want to control change.
Even when these people are sincere, this is a still just a way that they can build themselves up by providing instruction, and be the authority.
So, a lot of these people usually do not even realize that they are actually competing for control, but there are some of these people who know…all they WANT…is control.

2. Voice of the Self

The nature of self is sin.
The pride, fear and ego we can ‘feel’, can make believe we are out of control.
It is also how we create a foundation for the way we ‘think’.
Because now, as we see, it is how everyone is ‘FEELING’ that dominates the behavior and actions that impose ‘SELF’S’ own way on others.
No one wants to lose control.
The struggle to define our
• Identity,
• Authority, or
• Priority
is the way we thrust our self righteous control upon everyone else.

3. Voice of the Enemy

That is Satan.
That is the liar.
That voice works overtime to
• Divert,
• Deflect or
• Distract
us from our
• Passion in,
• Purpose of, or
• Prayers to
The enemy’s desire is to
our attention with his lies
(That can look, & sound good, & appealing),
and to
– KILL –
our soul with his temptations of lust, knowledge and power,
So it will
our ability to have an eternal life, because we live for the sin of the here and now.
– To do that, the enemy must LIE to us.
Sadly, that is what the enemy is best at.
If the enemy can control what we believe, he can control us completely.

4. Voice of the Lord

That voice is sometimes a whisper.
It is the most quiet of the 4 voices, as the other 3 are usually extremely loud proud, and like a cloud (all over us.)
God’s voice will be clear to us and will explain that HIS Design is;
• ON Purpose
• WITH Purpose &
• FOR A Purpose

☆ A great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks…but the Lord was not in the wind.
• Then there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.
• After the earthquake, there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire.
• And after the fire the sound of a low whisper. And behold, there came a voice that said, “What are you doing here?”
• 1 Kings 19:11-13

God doesn’t yearn for control over us.
He doesn’t demend to be in charge of us.
He just wants to be IN LOVE with us.

He tells us the TRUTH, and that is what sets us free…if we believe.
Then we can surrender ourselves to HIS LOVE.
Which is never controlling.

I love you guys!