In last night’s group, we talked about our ‘Soul’.

The topic of our Soul, sadly, is rarely spoken of from the pulpits, yet even more sadly, it is the most important place the enemy wants to control.

The world has always promoted a success driven culture.
• Money
• Property
• Power
• Fame
• Prestige
• Knowledge

The one who possesses those, can find themselves at the top of the food chain.
But at what cost?
What do the men have to give up, to get that?

For we know that Jesus said;
☆ “And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?”
• Matthew 16:26

This is NOT a new problem.
This is NOT a 21st century condition
This is NOT a cultural phenomenon

What this IS…is;

The sin of the flesh
The sin of the world &
The sin of the enemy.

That come at us through the;
• Lying to
• Deception over – or
• Enticement of
our minds.

All to get to our souls.

Addiction is a prevalent method of that.

It pains me now, seeing how many men get trapped in the soul sucking world of
• Alcohol
• Drugs
• Pornography
• Overworking
• And so many other Addictions

I have been trapped there also.
Struggled with Alcohol, Drugs and Pornography.

Those sinful ways sucked the joy from my life, and tried to steal my soul.

But God…

HE ‘Restores my soul’
Psalm 23:3

HE knows the battles men fight,
HE knows the trials we will face,
HE knows the fires we will have to walk through.

He will love us.
He will forgive us.
He will restore us.

We just have to go to HIM,
And ask.

It is what HE does;

☆ You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again; from the depths of the earth you will bring me up again. You will increase my greatness and comfort me again.
• Psalm 71:20-21

He has promised to do that for us, and has placed us in position to recieve it, for the time, coming soon, when He will come back and restore the whole world, providing a new heaven and a new earth for the believers.

☆ That times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago.
• Acts 3:20-21

If there is anything heavy in your life, any issue that is pressing you down…
Let him restore your soul.

HE wants to, and would love to.

I love you guys!