Many of you have heard me say this scripture, but in a different way;
“We will never stop the storms in our lives…
But we can find peace within the storms of our lives.”
It is such a huge achievement, and absolute honor, be a man that lives in a
Philippians 4:7 life;
☆ The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Heck, we have even watched itmhappe
• Life will not slow down around you.
• The world will not stop coming at you.
• The enemy will not relent from prowling for you.
But God can increase His presence – which is His Holy Spirit – to increase His peace – within you!
All you have to do, is ask for it.
The more you want His peace, the more you will seek His peace.
God has promised us that.
“Come to me”…He says…”and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28
He said it Himself.
He doesn’t lie.
He keeps His word.
So…let’s take Him up on His word.
•Seek Him
•Find Him
•Rest in Him
•Walk in the peace of Him
And let the storms of life and the world pass right over you.
I love you guys!