Who In The World Are You?

The words of Stephen, in our scripture today, show us not only his knowledge of the Word (He is schooling the Pharasee’s), but it also shnows his knowledge in exactly who God really is.
How often are you the center of your universe?
How frequently do you behave as if others rotate around your star, as you are in control of the galaxy?
There is this really cool image of the size of our planet earth, compared to Jupiter, then Jupiter compared to our sun, then our sun compared to the nearest star and wow…
The earth is only visible microscopicly in comparison, beyond that.
How large are we, in side by side comparison to the earth?
Yet we still can believe, think and act like we are the center of the whole universe!
We can not lose the relevance of how huge our God is, and how insignificant small we are.
Because men, when we understand that…
Then the understanding of HIS dying on the cross for us, His sacrifice, the God of heaven and earth, for a small speck like you and me…
When John the Baptist (Who Jesus called ‘the greatest man to ever live.’) Said;
☆ “He must become greater; I must become less.” – John 3:30
That says a lot.
Too many men in the church today worship themselves!
We must remind ourselves who God really is, and our huge planet, which we are just a tiny speck on, is HIS footstool…
We MUST become less, so we can enjoy how much more HE really is!