In today’s scripture, Peter repeats again, what we talked about just yesterday:

– The battle we have with our obedience.
It is the battle eternal;
• The World –
Which is being run by the enemy, has always been at war with;

• Our Soul –
Which should be run by God.

– Because satan, our enemy, has always wanted to be worshipped as our god.
Now, while it is still legal, easier and we’re able to do so,
We must reach, teach and preach the love and salvation of God to those who do not yet know it.

– Things are changing.
Speaking, teaching, following and praising God will become harder to do in a society that not only has rejected Him, but is an actual outright, open and vocal enemy of Him.
– People will NOT go against a culture, to live out their faith
That culture threatens their freedom for living out that faith.
Because the world will take away their comfort, their pleasures, their ease of getting their needs met, because of a life following a faith the world does not authorize.

– Will WE – You and I – lay down our lives for a faith, that will be censored by society?
Because it will be soon, and if it is hard for us, it may be impossible for those who don’t yet know God.
– Will WE – You and I – believe a Bible that may require us to be penalized if we own one?
Because if it is a challenge for us, how hard do you think it will be for those who don’t know God?
– If the world makes it difficult to buy or sell because we live for God through Christ, will our faith waver, or fail?
Not if we stay together, in agreement, and in HIS name!
because of our shared experience
• IN God,
personal relationship
• WITH God,
and power of the Holy Spirit
• OF God.
– Let’s do what we can to get as many more men with us, before it is too late for them.
I love you guys!