Does your Creator make your Country, or Does your country make your Creator?

The story in Genesis 50 through Exodus 2, has always amazed me.
• The Egyptians, who controled the known world at the time, hated shepherds.
• But the Israelites we shepherds.
• The Egyptians, had a LOT of little Gods that they worshipped for all their different areas of life.
• But the Israelites worshipped only 1.

  • When Jacob died, Joseph left the country to bury him.
  • But Egypt, when Jacob died, the WHOLE country of Egypt mourned for 70 days, and the highest officials in the country joined Joseph when he left to bury him.

◇ On top of that, the Cananites, who were also polytheistic (having many gods), were so amazed at how the whole assembly of people (Israelites and Egyptians together) mourned at the burial site for 7 days, that they renamed the place because of the impact it had on them.

Yet – our reading in the very next chapter speaks of how in just a very short time, (most believe it was just a short 2 generations, or just a little less than 100 years) the incredible and wonderful impression that Jacob, Joseph and the Israelites made was completely forgotten.

A new Pharaoh came to power who knew nothing of Joseph, or Jacob, and all he wanted was to control the Israelites.

Guys…this is our culture today.

We live in a society who seems to not just know the creators of our country, they don’t seem to know the creator of it all!. They know nothing about the foundation of the Christian faith, or on what the U.S. constitution was based upon.

Sure, they may know someone the names, but they know nothing about the men…I mean really don’t KNOW about Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin or even Wolcott (Oliver Wolcott, who is 1 of only 18 men to sign both the Articles of Confederation and The Declaration of Independence, yes…he is my ancestor).

– These men who LOVED THE LORD.
– They signed documents that placed, not only their own life, but the lives of their family in mortal danger!

They did that in the name of God, so they could get to a place where they could declare an independence to live FOR god! They were so dedicated, that the first colleges, Harvard, Yale, & Princeton, were colleges that were originally created to build men to go out and spread the gospel. Also, the first U.S. text book was Bible based and scripture memorization.

But our culture has not stayed that way, and now the media imparts the opposite information on a massive level.

Our country now has created their own creator…inside of SELF.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is now mocked, ridiculed and marginalized and the followers are chastised and treated like 2nd class citizens…because they know nothing of the men who came over to escape religious persecution, and, as our New Testament teach today said;
“They immediately left their ship and their father, and they followed HIM.” (Matthew 4:22)

They surrendered their life on earth to God, so they could have eternal life with God in heaven.

Who teaches that anymore?
Who lives that as a great example anymore?
How well are we living out that life on earth?

Because guys…it is NOT AN EASY life to live out. Dying to self on earth, so we can live forever in eternity. Not a message the ‘world’s wants to hear. Not an easy message for the ‘Christian’ to live.
But it is worth it.

I love you guys!