
The world today does NOT teach accountability.
The world is too selfish, self centered and narcissistic for that.
As a matter of fact, the world teaches the exact opposite.
The world has a culture now that only teaches how to point fingers.
So, because of that, as we:
   • Demand others to be responsible for their words and actions, and 
   • Blackmail those who offend anyone guaranteeing that they apologize while…
   • Ordering that everyone punish them even if they DO apologize,
   – As 
   • We ourselves refuse to admit to any of our shortcomings or sins.
We tell people to behave with accountability, while we ourselves are NOT practicing accountability.
And for that…which is a sin…we WILL be held accountable.
    “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
   • Matthew 12:36-37
The saddest point of all of this, is almost all of us believe OUR accountability is relegated to just our words and actions.
But God sees it differently.
The Bible tells us that 
     – God will know our thought in our minds.
     – God will know our heart of intention.
     – God will know our motive before we ever take an action or speak a word.
So, that means 
      – We have to be quicker to admit it to others, because
     – We are now able to admit it to ourselves, because
     – We KNOW that God is aware of our self centered, selfish, narcissistic judgmental, finger pointing, sinful heart, WAY BEFORE we even speak or act on it.
 “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”
   • Jeremiah 17:10
But Christian, 
   • Why is it that we think we are justified when we point fingers at others?
   • Why is it that we walk in that self righteousness of condemnation of others
   • Why is it that we live like we do not expect that God will call us out on all of it?
Because HE will!
It may not be today, tomorrow, this year, 10 years or even within our lifetime…
But GOD sees everything, and we WILL be accountable for everything.
    And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
   • Hebrews 4:13
For me, that means I have to remind myself (To the best of my ability.) to guard my heart.
     – If I have a heart of GOD, then my nature will be compassionate and forgiving. 
     – If I have a heart of compassion and forgiveness, I will not have self righteous thoughts, words or actions.
     – If I don’t have self righteous thoughts, words or actions, I will not be judgmental, point fingers and will live in accountability.
I do not remind myself (To the best of my ability.) that just because it provides a better and more peaceful life;
I remind myself of that because I will face accountability for it on the day I stand in front of God.
    For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.
   • 2 Corinthians 5:10
So, thank you Lord for giving us the ability to turn back and away from that worldly nature.
We can be cleansed of our need to point fingers, condemn others, find faults, and build ourselves up, as we put someone else down.
When we go to God, ask for the forgiveness, change our ways, and walk in the compassion, forgiveness, love and respect of the faith in GOD…we will be cleansed of those sins.
    Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out
   • Acts 3:19
     – Let us stop condemning others for the sins we ourselves commit.
     – Let us start living in the forgiveness and compassion of God’s heart.
     – Let us have the nature of humble accountability that is pleasing to God and a great example to others.
That is not just a blessing to us in our life, and for the day we answer to God…
It will be a blessing to others in how we treat them, and the example we leave them.
I love you guys!