Thinking of you

When we say the words ‘Thinking of you’, it is usually in passing, on a post card, or in a ‘drive by’ kind of a thought.
In a way, it is sort of like a 30,000 foot altitude wave to someone on the way by, as we go out the door, or are busy doing our thing, in our life.
It is definitely NOT an action.
But that is not how GOD works.
God is always saying ‘thinking of you’.
As big as our earth is, it is puny in comparison to our solar system.
As huge as our solar system is, it is NOTHING to how big our galaxy is.
As enormous as our galaxy is, is is only a small one within billions of others.
Yet, HE says;
    Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value…
   • Luke 12:7
That is God saying, thinking of you.
Too many people think, believe and act like they are the center of the universe.
But that is how they see themselves.
God is telling us that HE, who created the universe, can pay intimate and personal attention to us all, so much so, that HE knows every hair on our heads.
We should make HIM the center of OUR universe, as we are so important to HIM in HIS.
HE promised us that.
 For HE has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
   • Hebrews 13:5
That is God saying, I am ALWAYS thinking of you.
Christian, that knowledge, right there, all by itself, should be enough to give us the peace that surpasses all our understanding.
     • We can forget.
     • We can feel alone.
     We can feel as small as the earth is, in comparison to how big the star Antares is.
So let this message help to remind us to stay in the place where we live, breath, walk and talk in the promises that God gave us…knowing HE is always thinking of you…and me.
And HE will never stop!
 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
   • Romans 8:38
Let us start this new year in that mind and heart.
Let us exist in the Joy of the Lord, knowing that HE is always;